I have observed that when Posix groups exist when a new release is created GOsa automatically adds menu extensions for the new release to these groups. I'm not sure if this is only when they already have menu extensions or not. Anyway this leads to the creation of a lot of unneccesary ou=releasename objects in LDAP. GOsa also seems to add a new ou=mime sub-ou for the new release. Examine this and see if you can disable it because it's not necessary. GOsa automatically creates these ous when you actually edit the start menu in a group.
Also check gosaGroupOfNames behaviour.
I have observed that when Posix groups exist when a new release is created GOsa automatically adds menu extensions for the new release to these groups. I'm not sure if this is only when they already have menu extensions or not. Anyway this leads to the creation of a lot of unneccesary ou=releasename objects in LDAP. GOsa also seems to add a new ou=mime sub-ou for the new release. Examine this and see if you can disable it because it's not necessary. GOsa automatically creates these ous when you actually edit the start menu in a group. Also check gosaGroupOfNames behaviour.