mberk / betfairutil

Utility functions for working with Betfair data
MIT License
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StreamListener `debug` param deprecated #9

Closed nachouve closed 2 years ago

nachouve commented 2 years ago

There is an small error using function prices_file_to_data_frame.

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/betfairutil/init.py in prices_file_to_csv_file(path_to_prices_file, path_to_csv_file, kwargs) 715 path_to_prices_file: str, path_to_csv_file: str, kwargs 716 ) -> None: --> 717 prices_file_to_data_frame(path_to_prices_file, **kwargs).to_csv( 718 path_to_csv_file, index=False 719 )

~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/betfairutil/init.py in prices_file_to_data_frame(path_to_prices_file, should_output_runner_names, should_format_publish_time, max_depth) 752 stream = trading.streaming.create_historical_generator_stream( 753 file_path=path_to_prices_file, --> 754 listener=StreamListener( 755 max_latency=None, lightweight=True, debug=False, update_clk=False 756 ),

TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'debug'

Checking the historic commit at bflw I see that:

debug param to be deprecated from v2.15.0 and handled explicitly

mberk commented 2 years ago

This was fixed in version 0.1.1: https://github.com/mberk/betfairutil/pull/8/commits/68fe5229efda865f844d86016678013bbed0c7ba

Please update your copy of the package and try again

nachouve commented 2 years ago

Yes, you are right! Sorry for the ticket.