mbest / knockout-deferred-updates

Deferred Updates plugin for Knockout <=3.3.0
134 stars 23 forks source link

Node - need feedback #12

Closed kennknowles closed 11 years ago

kennknowles commented 11 years ago


Now that I got AMD support, I'm back to ask for Node support :-)

I run my tests in Node for simplicity of automation (also in the browser, but less automated) and would love to elide the complication of swapping knockout/knockout-deferred-updates.

So this PR has a package.json which will enable the use of npm, but actually the way that window.setImmediate is referenced is a problem in Node that is probably most easily solved by using https://github.com/NobleJS/setImmediate. I took a stab at a quick fix but didn't complete anything.

Let me know what your thoughts are on this whole idea. I just stalked the contributors to Node's own package.json and see you there, so I'm optimistic that you'll agree this is useful!

kennknowles commented 11 years ago

Well, also the AMD prelude mentioned Node/CommonJS.

mbest commented 11 years ago

Thanks. I've merged this along with some minor changes to make it all work.

mbest commented 11 years ago

I just stalked the contributors to Node's own package.json and see you there

I'm curious about what you found.

kennknowles commented 11 years ago

You fixed the build for Windows shell, but you had me at being on the list of contributors to the file.

npm publish?

mbest commented 11 years ago

It's published now:


kennknowles commented 11 years ago

Thanks! I just noticed my own typo - I meant knockout's own package.json. Slightly less glamorous, but I'm still a fan.