mbest / knockout-repeat

REPEAT binding for Knockout
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Ko 3.4 out of the box inline templating with foreach versus knockout-repeat #21

Open gsvitak opened 7 years ago

gsvitak commented 7 years ago


Quick question. I am using knockout 3.4 with have a large dynamic table that is having performance issues. I know the main root cause of the issue is that the table is re-rendered multiple times. In researching the issue, I came across this project as a way to help with repeating rows.

My question is if this custom binding is still relevant with Knockout 3.4.. or did some of the improvements this binding provides solved by inline template improvements in the knockout 3.2/3.3

Thanks Greg

mbest commented 7 years ago

The best test is whether it works better for you. I have not done any comparisons lately though.

gsvitak commented 7 years ago

thank you..