mbg033 / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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make clean should remove "bitmonero" directory #22

Closed mbg033 closed 8 years ago

livinginformation commented 8 years ago

Are the wallet files currently stored in the same directory as simplewallet (as is default in bitmonero), or do we have a dedicated wallet directory now (either in ~ or in the monero-core dir)? If so, this could be slightly dangerous, and carry the risk of deleting someone's wallet. I'm sure you're already taking this into account, just curious.

mbg033 commented 8 years ago

Wallet files are stored in "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Monero Accounts" (Windows) and "$HOME/Monero Accounts" (OSX and Linux). "bitmonero" directory is just a build-time dependency here inside source tree