mbg033 / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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monero-core refresh window needs more information #56

Closed medusadigital closed 7 years ago

medusadigital commented 8 years ago

As a user i want to see how the task of scanning the blockchain is processing. Therefore the same Information should be provided to the user as in monero CLI wallet, wich is the current Block Height.

i Imagine something like this: monero-core_height

probably low priority, but since recreation from seed takes a while, this would sure increase the overall user experience

luigi1111 commented 8 years ago

Maybe a message in a corner saying "Wallet is synchronizing. This will take some time." with a completion % if you hover over it or something (and not locking up the rest of the functions while it is ongoing).

medusadigital commented 7 years ago

nice work @mbg033

Screenshot for historical purpose:


Jaqueeee commented 7 years ago

Nice! Works great on OS X / Macbook air.

medusadigital commented 7 years ago

implemented --> close