mbhall88 / rasusa

Randomly subsample sequencing reads or alignments
MIT License
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Lower than expected coverage for illumina paired end reads #22

Closed ilyavs closed 3 years ago

ilyavs commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am using rasusa extensively in my illumina paired end pipelines. I noticed that sometimes, I get significantly lower coverage than the one I gave as a parameter. For example, I subsample to 250x and get 240x. This is somewhat of a problem for my applications. From an anecdotic check, I see that this might have something to do with poor quality reads that I am quality trimming to minimum length with cutadapt. This results in a highly skewed read length distribution. Here is an example: image

Can this issue be resolved within the scope of this project? Thanks, Ilya.

mbhall88 commented 3 years ago

When you say you get 240x instead of 250x is that based on the rasusa logs or some other way of calculating this?

The way rasusa subsamples for paired reads is it gathers all of the read lengths for the first fastq file (R1), and randomly selects reads until the total length of those sampled reads is half of the required total read length for the given genome size and coverage. It then outputs those sampled reads and their mate in R2. So there is an implicit assumption here that the mate has the same read length. So if you're seeing 240x instead of 250x that suggests your R2 might have had more bases trimmed than R1...

ilyavs commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your response. It is typical for R2 to have lower quality than R1 and therefore one could expect R2 reads to be shorter after quality trimming. Given your explanation of how rasusa works, I understand the reason for the difference in coverage. I get 240x instead of 250x calculated by taking the total number of base pairs after subsampling with rasusa and dividing by the genome size provided to rasusa. If I remember correctly, this matched the rasusa logs but I don't have these at hand. Thanks, Ilya.

ilyavs commented 3 years ago

I would suggest summing the read length of R1 and R2 and randomly selecting read pairs until the total length of those sampled reads matches the required total read length for the given genome size and coverage.

mbhall88 commented 3 years ago

Ok, that makes sense then.

I would suggest summing the read length of R1 and R2 and randomly selecting read pairs until the total length of those sampled reads matches the required total read length for the given genome size and coverage.

This is a more accurate solution to the than what I currently do for sure. I'll look at trying to change the implementation to do this.

ilyavs commented 3 years ago

Great. Thank you :)

ilyavs commented 3 years ago

Hi, Any idea when this fix will be implemented and distributed? Thanks, Ilya.

mbhall88 commented 3 years ago

Sorry @ilyavs , I am currently writing up my PhD thesis so I don't have a huge amount of spare time. However, it is still very much high on my list of things to do so hopefully I can get around to it soon.

mbhall88 commented 3 years ago

Hi @ilyavs, would be able to do me a favour and test out b72405e68ba4f1ffbca49efae33fdc83efe6cc17 and see if it resolves this? You can either build from the source in that commit, or if you are using a container you can use the following image

# for docker
# for singularity
mbhall88 commented 3 years ago

This should be sorted in version 0.4.0. Let me know if there are still problems