mbhuber / DataScienceCourse

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First Project Proposal Feedback #2

Open alexchaomander opened 9 years ago

alexchaomander commented 9 years ago

Interesting project! Sounds like you have a good sense of where your data is coming from. Since your data will probably be nicely formatted and relatively easy to work with, the crux of your project / what you will be evaluated most on is on the quality of your analysis. So for the next project proposal, definitely come up with a bulleted list of all the possible analyses/questions you can ask about your data and which tools / techniques you could use. We'll certainly cover different techniques in class in the coming lectures so try to preview some of that and include them in your list.

So there are three phases to this project that I can see since you essentially already have the data. First is data exploration. So this involves providing summary statistics, plotting, and coming up with initial questions to ask about your data. The second part will be your analysis. Here is where you'll use the techniques and algorithms we will cover to find insights from your data. And lastly, it''ll be about data presentation. So this can be in a form of a journal-type paper, an iPython notebook, visualizations, and maybe even a video demo. Here is where you'll seek to communicate your project not only to us but also to non-technical audiences.

Looking forward to your work!

mbhuber commented 9 years ago

Where should I put the project proposal and related items?