Closed mahadevaswamy05 closed 1 year ago
1.Here we developed code the(UUT File) by using a module, click to expand:
```systemverilog module apb_slave #( addrWidth = 8, dataWidth = 32 ) ( input clk, input rst_n, input [addrWidth-1:0] paddr, input pwrite, input psel, input penable, input [dataWidth-1:0] pwdata, output logic [dataWidth-1:0] prdata ); logic [dataWidth-1:0] mem [256]; logic [1:0] apb_st; const logic [1:0] SETUP = 0; const logic [1:0] W_ENABLE = 1; const logic [1:0] R_ENABLE = 2; // SETUP -> ENABLE always @(negedge rst_n or posedge clk) begin if (rst_n == 0) begin apb_st <= 0; prdata <= 0; end else begin case (apb_st) SETUP : begin // clear the prdata prdata <= 0; // Move to ENABLE when the psel is asserted if (psel && !penable) begin if (pwrite) begin apb_st <= W_ENABLE; end else begin apb_st <= R_ENABLE; end end end W_ENABLE : begin // write pwdata to memory if (psel && penable && pwrite) begin mem[paddr] <= pwdata; end // return to SETUP apb_st <= SETUP; end R_ENABLE : begin // read prdata from memory if (psel && penable && !pwrite) begin prdata <= mem[paddr]; end // return to SETUP apb_st <= SETUP; end endcase end end endmodule ```
2.In this example we have UUT file which file name called and in this file they implemented the apb design logic. and another file which is auto-generated one in this file we implemented the test cases and all.
3.More about the UUT file. example file name is
i. firstly they implemented the reset logic in the task. it's the idle state logic.
always @(negedge rst_n or posedge clk) begin
if (rst_n == 0) begin
apb_st <= 0;
prdata <= 0;
ii. Setup state logic they implemented using the if conditions.
else begin
case (apb_st)
SETUP : begin
// clear the prdata
prdata <= 0;
// Move to ENABLE when the psel is asserted
if (psel && !penable) begin
if (pwrite) begin
apb_st <= W_ENABLE;
else begin
apb_st <= R_ENABLE;
iii. write pwdata to memory, it's kind of the write operation.
W_ENABLE : begin
// write pwdata to memory
if (psel && penable && pwrite) begin
mem[paddr] <= pwdata;
// return to SETUP
apb_st <= SETUP;
iv. read prdata from memory so it's the read operation.
R_ENABLE : begin
// read prdata from memory
if (psel && penable && !pwrite) begin
prdata <= mem[paddr];
4.For generating the unit test template file we will use the below command
5.More about the test file.
`include "svunit_defines.svh"
`include ""
module apb_slave_unit_test;
import svunit_pkg::svunit_testcase;
string name = "apb_slave_ut";
svunit_testcase svunit_ut;
logic [7:0] addr;
logic [31:0] data, rdata;
// This is the UUT that we're
// running the Unit Tests on
reg clk;
reg rst_n;
reg [7:0] paddr;
reg pwrite;
reg psel;
reg penable;
reg [31:0] pwdata;
wire [31:0] prdata;
// clk generator
initial begin
clk = 0;
forever begin
#5 clk = ~clk;
apb_slave my_apb_slave(.*);
// Build
function void build();
svunit_ut = new(name);
// Setup for running the Unit Tests
task setup();
// move the bus into the IDLE state
// before each test
// then do a reset for the uut
rst_n = 0;
repeat (8) @(posedge clk);
rst_n = 1;
// Here we deconstruct anything we
// need after running the Unit Tests
task teardown();
/* Place Teardown Code Here */
// All tests are defined between the
// Each individual test must be
// defined between `SVTEST(_NAME_)
// i.e.
// `SVTEST(mytest)
// <test code>
// Test:
// single_write_then_read
// Desc:
// do a write then a read at the same address
addr = 'h32;
data = 'h61;
write(addr, data);
read(addr, rdata);
`FAIL_IF(data !== rdata);
// Test:
// write_wo_psel
// Desc:
// do a write then a read at the same address but insert a
// write without psel asserted during setup to ensure mem
// isn't corrupted by a protocol error.
addr = 'h0;
data = 'hffff_ffff;
write(addr, data);
write(addr, 'hff, 0, 0);
read(addr, rdata);
`FAIL_IF(data !== rdata);
// Test:
// write_wo_write
// Desc:
// do a write then a read at the same address but insert a
// write without pwrite asserted during setup to ensure mem
// isn't corrupted by a protocol error.
addr = 'h10;
data = 'h99;
write(addr, data);
write(addr, 'hff, 0, 1, 0);
read(addr, rdata);
`FAIL_IF(data !== rdata);
// Test:
// _2_writes_then_2_reads
// Desc:
// Do back-to-back writes then back-to-back reads
addr = 'hfe;
data = 'h31;
write(addr, data, 1);
write(addr+1, data+1, 1);
read(addr, rdata, 1);
`FAIL_IF(data !== rdata);
read(addr+1, rdata, 1);
`FAIL_IF(data+1 !== rdata);
// write ()
// Simple write method used in the unit tests. Includes options for back-to-back
// writes and protocol errors on the psel and pwrite.
task automatic write(logic [7:0] addr,
logic [31:0] data,
logic back2back = 0,
logic setup_psel = 1,
logic setup_pwrite = 1);
// if !back2back, insert an idle cycle before the write
if (!back2back) begin
@(negedge clk);
psel = 0;
penable = 0;
// this is the SETUP state where the psel,
// pwrite, paddr and pdata are set
// NOTE:
// setup_psel == 0 for protocol errors on the psel
// setup_pwrite == 0 for protocol errors on the pwrite
@(negedge clk);
psel = setup_psel;
pwrite = setup_pwrite;
paddr = addr;
pwdata = data;
penable = 0;
// this is the ENABLE state where the penable is asserted
@(negedge clk);
pwrite = 1;
penable = 1;
psel = 1;
// read ()
// Simple read method used in the unit tests. Includes options for back-to-back
// reads.
task automatic read(logic [7:0] addr, output logic [31:0] data, input logic back2back = 0);
// if !back2back, insert an idle cycle before the read
if (!back2back) begin
@(negedge clk);
psel = 0;
penable = 0;
// this is the SETUP state where the psel, pwrite and paddr
@(negedge clk);
psel = 1;
paddr = addr;
penable = 0;
pwrite = 0;
// this is the ENABLE state where the penable is asserted
@(negedge clk);
penable = 1;
// the prdata should be flopped after the subsequent posedge
@(posedge clk);
#1 data = prdata;
// idle ()
// Clear the all the inputs to the uut (i.e. move to the IDLE state)
task idle();
@(negedge clk);
psel = 0;
penable = 0;
pwrite = 0;
paddr = 0;
pwdata = 0;
6. Using the below command we're running the unit test template file
runSVUnit -s questa
This example shows as how to perform unit testing for a use-case protocol like APB. Thus, unit_testing can be used even for more complicated protocols/projects.
Here we explain the test cases about the single write and read test cases
- Single write then read test cases.(do a write than a read at the same address). and see the below snippets for this test case.
addr = 'h32;
data = 'h61;
write(addr, data);
read(addr, rdata);
`FAIL_IF(data !== rdata);
Just follow the below write task for a write operation logic
```systemverilog task automatic write(logic [7:0] addr, logic [31:0] data, logic back2back = 0, logic setup_psel = 1, logic setup_pwrite = 1); if (!back2back) begin @(negedge clk); psel = 0; penable = 0; end @(negedge clk); psel = setup_psel; pwrite = setup_pwrite; paddr = addr; pwdata = data; penable = 0; @(negedge clk); pwrite = 1; penable = 1; psel = 1; endtask ````
Just follow the below read task for a read operation logic
```systemverilog task automatic read(logic [7:0] addr, output logic [31:0] data, input logic back2back = 0); // if !back2back, insert an idle cycle before the read if (!back2back) begin @(negedge clk); psel = 0; penable = 0; end // this is the SETUP state where the psel, pwrite and paddr @(negedge clk); psel = 1; paddr = addr; penable = 0; pwrite = 0; // this is the ENABLE state where the penable is asserted @(negedge clk); penable = 1; // the prdata should be flopped after the subsequent posedge @(posedge clk); #1 data = prdata; endtask ````
Here we explain the test cases about Single write then read test cases with checking p_select
- Single write then read test cases with checking p_select(do a write then a read at the same address but insert a write without psel asserted during setup to ensure memory isn't corrupted by a protocol error). and
and see the below snippets for this test case.
addr = 'h0;
data = 'hffff_ffff;
write(addr, data);
write(addr, 'hff, 0, 0);
read(addr, rdata);
`FAIL_IF(data !== rdata);
Just follow the below write task for a write operation logic
```systemverilog task automatic write(logic [7:0] addr, logic [31:0] data, logic back2back = 0, logic setup_psel = 1, logic setup_pwrite = 1); if (!back2back) begin @(negedge clk); psel = 0; penable = 0; end @(negedge clk); psel = setup_psel; pwrite = setup_pwrite; paddr = addr; pwdata = data; penable = 0; @(negedge clk); pwrite = 1; penable = 1; psel = 1; endtask ````
Just follow the below read task for a read operation logic
```systemverilog task automatic read(logic [7:0] addr, output logic [31:0] data, input logic back2back = 0); // if !back2back, insert an idle cycle before the read if (!back2back) begin @(negedge clk); psel = 0; penable = 0; end // this is the SETUP state where the psel, pwrite and paddr @(negedge clk); psel = 1; paddr = addr; penable = 0; pwrite = 0; // this is the ENABLE state where the penable is asserted @(negedge clk); penable = 1; // the prdata should be flopped after the subsequent posedge @(posedge clk); #1 data = prdata; endtask ````
We are explaining the write-to-write operation.
(we are passing value to the pwrite is 0 or 1). and see the below snippets for this test case.
addr = 'h10;
data = 'h99;
write(addr, data);
write(addr, 'hff, 0, 1, 0);
read(addr, rdata);
`FAIL_IF(data !== rdata);
Just follow the below write task for a write operation logic
```systemverilog task automatic write(logic [7:0] addr, logic [31:0] data, logic back2back = 0, logic setup_psel = 1, logic setup_pwrite = 1); if (!back2back) begin @(negedge clk); psel = 0; penable = 0; end @(negedge clk); psel = setup_psel; pwrite = setup_pwrite; paddr = addr; pwdata = data; penable = 0; @(negedge clk); pwrite = 1; penable = 1; psel = 1; endtask ````
Just follow the below read task for a read operation logic
```systemverilog task automatic read(logic [7:0] addr, output logic [31:0] data, input logic back2back = 0); // if !back2back, insert an idle cycle before the read if (!back2back) begin @(negedge clk); psel = 0; penable = 0; end // this is the SETUP state where the psel, pwrite and paddr @(negedge clk); psel = 1; paddr = addr; penable = 0; pwrite = 0; // this is the ENABLE state where the penable is asserted @(negedge clk); penable = 1; // the prdata should be flopped after the subsequent posedge @(posedge clk); #1 data = prdata; endtask ````
Here we are explaining the test cases about two_write then two_read operation
and see the below snippets for this test case.
addr = 'hfe;
data = 'h31;
write(addr, data, 1);
write(addr+1, data+1, 1);
read(addr, rdata, 1);
`FAIL_IF(data !== rdata);
read(addr+1, rdata, 1);
`FAIL_IF(data+1 !== rdata);
Just follow the below write task for a write operation logic
```systemverilog task automatic write(logic [7:0] addr, logic [31:0] data, logic back2back = 0, logic setup_psel = 1, logic setup_pwrite = 1); if (!back2back) begin @(negedge clk); psel = 0; penable = 0; end @(negedge clk); psel = setup_psel; pwrite = setup_pwrite; paddr = addr; pwdata = data; penable = 0; @(negedge clk); pwrite = 1; penable = 1; psel = 1; endtask ````
Just follow the below read task for a read operation logic
```systemverilog task automatic read(logic [7:0] addr, output logic [31:0] data, input logic back2back = 0); // if !back2back, insert an idle cycle before the read if (!back2back) begin @(negedge clk); psel = 0; penable = 0; end // this is the SETUP state where the psel, pwrite and paddr @(negedge clk); psel = 1; paddr = addr; penable = 0; pwrite = 0; // this is the ENABLE state where the penable is asserted @(negedge clk); penable = 1; // the prdata should be flopped after the subsequent posedge @(posedge clk); #1 data = prdata; endtask ````
Follow the below picture for APB output
Here we are the module examples of the apb_slave code
For enabling the waveforms refer