Open mahadevaswamy05 opened 1 year ago
1 Here is the uut file for the APB_AGENT file
class apb_coverage_agent extends uvm_agent; ```systemverilog `ifndef __APB_COVERAGE_AGENT_SV__ `define __APB_COVERAGE_AGENT_SV__ `include "uvm_macros.svh" `include "" `include "" import uvm_pkg::*; class apb_coverage_agent extends uvm_agent; `uvm_component_utils(apb_coverage_agent) virtual apb_if.passive_slv bfm; apb_mon monitor; apb_coverage coverage; function new(string name = "apb_coverage_agent", uvm_component parent = null);, parent); endfunction function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); if( !uvm_config_db#(virtual apb_if.passive_slv)::get( this, "", "bfm", bfm)) begin `uvm_fatal("ENV", "BFM not set") end monitor = apb_mon#(8,32)::type_id::create({ get_name() , "::monitor" }, this); coverage = apb_coverage::type_id::create({ get_name() , "::coverage" }, this); endfunction function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); monitor.bfm = bfm; monitor.ap.connect(coverage.analysis_export); endfunction endclass `endif ```
2. Here is the unit test template file for the APB_AGENT_UNIT_TEST file
In this file, We are setting uvm_config_db to the UVM_ROOT.
See the below code to get more idea.
`include "svunit_defines.svh"
`include ""
`include ""
module apb_coverage_agent_unit_test;
import svunit_pkg::svunit_testcase;
import svunit_uvm_mock_pkg::*;
string name = "apb_coverage_agent_ut";
svunit_testcase svunit_ut;
logic clk;
initial begin
clk = 1;
forever #`CLK_PERIOD clk = ~clk;
apb_if bfm(.clk(clk));
virtual apb_if.mstr bfm_mstr;
// This is the UUT that we're
// running the Unit Tests on
apb_coverage_agent my_apb_coverage_agent;
// Build
function void build();
svunit_ut = new(name);
bfm_mstr = bfm;
my_apb_coverage_agent = new({ name , "::my_apb_coverage_agent" }, null);
uvm_config_db#(virtual apb_if.passive_slv)::
set( uvm_root::get(), { name , "::my_apb_coverage_agent" }, "bfm", bfm);
// deactivate by default
// Setup for running the Unit Tests
task setup();
// activate for testing
// start the component
// Here we deconstruct anything we
// need after running the Unit Tests
task teardown();
// stop the component
// deactivate at the end of unit testing
// All tests are defined between the
// Each individual test must be
// defined between `SVTEST(_NAME_)
// i.e.
// `SVTEST(mytest)
3. Using this below command we are running the code
runSVUnit -uvm -define CLK_PERIOD=5ns -s questa
4. We are exploring the first test now which present in the unit test template file
`FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage_agent.bfm == null);
`FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage_agent.monitor == null);
`FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage_agent.coverage == null);
`FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage_agent.monitor.bfm == null);
5. Secondly, we are exploring the second test it's about the write method.
`FAIL_IF( != 0);
`FAIL_IF( != 0);
`FAIL_IF( != 0);
bfm_mstr.write('hfc, 0);
// NOTE: for some reason, the coverage stats for kind_cp with vcs aren't
// returned properly. that's why I have this commented out.
//`FAIL_IF( != 50);
`FAIL_IF( != 100);
`FAIL_IF( != 100);
condition is Failed because it's covered the 100%.
This example shows as how we can even perform the connectivity checks.