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APB Coverage #94

Open mahadevaswamy05 opened 10 months ago

mahadevaswamy05 commented 10 months ago
mahadevaswamy05 commented 10 months ago

-The code is for the coverage uut file


```systemverilog `ifndef __APB_COVERAGE_SV__ `define __APB_COVERAGE_SV__ `include "uvm_macros.svh" `include "apb_xaction.sv" import uvm_pkg::*; class apb_coverage extends uvm_subscriber #(apb_xaction); `uvm_component_utils(apb_coverage) local apb_xaction sampled_obj; covergroup cg; addr_min_cp : coverpoint sampled_obj.addr { bins min = { 0 }; } addr_max_cp : coverpoint sampled_obj.addr { bins max = { 'hfc }; } addr_bins_cp : coverpoint sampled_obj.addr { bins b [16] = { [1:'hf8] }; } data_min_cp : coverpoint sampled_obj.data { bins min = { 0 }; } data_max_cp : coverpoint sampled_obj.data { bins max = { 'hffff_ffff }; } data_bins_cp : coverpoint sampled_obj.data { bins b [32] = { [1:'hffff_fffe] }; } kind_cp : coverpoint sampled_obj.kind; option.per_instance = 1; endgroup; function new(string name = "apb_coverage", uvm_component parent = null); super.new(name, parent); cg = new(); endfunction function void write(apb_xaction t); sampled_obj = t; cg.sample(); endfunction function uvm_sequence_item get_sampled_obj(); return sampled_obj; endfunction endclass `endif ```

mahadevaswamy05 commented 10 months ago

2. -The code is for the coverage unit test template file


```systemverilog `include "svunit_defines.svh" `include "apb_coverage.sv" module apb_coverage_unit_test; import svunit_pkg::svunit_testcase; import svunit_uvm_mock_pkg::*; string name = "apb_coverage_ut"; svunit_testcase svunit_ut; //=================================== // This is the UUT that we're // running the Unit Tests on //=================================== apb_coverage my_apb_coverage; //=================================== // Build //=================================== function void build(); svunit_ut = new(name); my_apb_coverage = new({ name , "::my_apb_coverage" }, null); //----------------------- // deactivate by default //----------------------- svunit_deactivate_uvm_component(my_apb_coverage); endfunction //=================================== // Setup for running the Unit Tests //=================================== task setup(); svunit_ut.setup(); //---------------------- // activate for testing //---------------------- svunit_activate_uvm_component(my_apb_coverage); //--------------------- // start the component //--------------------- svunit_uvm_test_start(); endtask //=================================== // Here we deconstruct anything we // need after running the Unit Tests //=================================== task teardown(); svunit_ut.teardown(); //-------------------- // stop the component //-------------------- svunit_uvm_test_finish(); //--------------------------------------- // deactivate at the end of unit testing //--------------------------------------- svunit_deactivate_uvm_component(my_apb_coverage); endtask //=================================== // All tests are defined between the // SVUNIT_TESTS_BEGIN/END macros // // Each individual test must be // defined between `SVTEST(_NAME_) // `SVTEST_END // // i.e. // `SVTEST(mytest) // // `SVTEST_END //=================================== `SVUNIT_TESTS_BEGIN //------------------------------------- // Test: write_method /// // verify the write_method sets the // local obj to be sampled and that // the addr_min_cp and data_min_cp are // sampled correctly //------------------------------------- `SVTEST(write_method) apb_xaction a, b; a = apb_xaction::type_id::create(); void'(a.randomize() with { addr == 0; data == 0; kind == WRITE; }); my_apb_coverage.write(a); $cast(b, my_apb_coverage.get_sampled_obj()); `FAIL_IF(!a.compare(b)); //not never same `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.addr_min_cp.get_coverage() != 100); //100 % `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.data_min_cp.get_coverage() != 100); //100 `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.kind_cp.get_coverage() != 50); my_apb_coverage.cg.start(); `SVTEST_END //------------------------------------- // Test: addr_max_cp // // verify the bin for addr == fc //------------------------------------- `SVTEST(addr_max_cp) apb_xaction a; a = apb_xaction::type_id::create(); void'(a.randomize() with { addr == 'hfc; data == 0; kind == WRITE; }); my_apb_coverage.write(a); `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.addr_max_cp.get_coverage() != 100); `SVTEST_END // Test: addr_bins_cp //------------------------------------- // verify 16 bins for addr between // 1 //------------------------------------- // 1:'hf8 `SVTEST(addr_bins_cp) apb_xaction a; a = apb_xaction::type_id::create(); void'(a.randomize() with { addr == 1; data == 0; kind == WRITE; }); my_apb_coverage.write(a); `FAIL_IF($rtoi(my_apb_coverage.cg.addr_bins_cp.get_coverage()) != (100/16)); for (int i=1; i<16; i+=1) begin a.addr += 'hf8/16; my_apb_coverage.write(a); `FAIL_IF($rtoi(my_apb_coverage.cg.addr_bins_cp.get_coverage()) != ((i+1) * 100/16)); end `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.addr_bins_cp.get_coverage() != 100); `SVTEST_END //------------------------------------- // Test: data_max_cp // // verify the bin for data == ffff_ffff //------------------------------------- `SVTEST(data_max_cp) apb_xaction a; a = apb_xaction::type_id::create(); void'(a.randomize() with { data == 'hffff_ffff; kind == WRITE; }); my_apb_coverage.write(a); `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.data_max_cp.get_coverage() != 100); `SVTEST_END //------------------------------------- // Test: data_bins_cp // // verify 32 bins for data between // 1:'hffff_fffe //------------------------------------- `SVTEST(data_bins_cp) apb_xaction a; a = apb_xaction::type_id::create(); void'(a.randomize() with { data == 1; kind == WRITE; }); my_apb_coverage.write(a); `FAIL_IF($rtoi(my_apb_coverage.cg.data_bins_cp.get_coverage()) != (100/32)); for (int i=1; i<32; i+=1) begin a.data += 'hffff_fffe/32; my_apb_coverage.write(a); `FAIL_IF($rtoi(my_apb_coverage.cg.data_bins_cp.get_coverage()) != ((i+1) * 100/32)); end `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.data_bins_cp.get_coverage() != 100); `SVTEST_END //------------------------------------- // Test: kind_cp // // verify the kind for read and write //------------------------------------- `SVTEST(kind_cp) apb_xaction a; my_apb_coverage.cg.kind_cp.start(); a = apb_xaction::type_id::create(); void'(a.randomize() with { kind == READ; } ); my_apb_coverage.write(a); `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.kind_cp.get_coverage() != 100); `SVTEST_END `SVUNIT_TESTS_END endmodule ```

mahadevaswamy05 commented 10 months ago

3 Now we are exploring each test in the apb_coverage_unit_test

    apb_xaction a, b;

    a = apb_xaction::type_id::create();
    void'(a.randomize() with { addr == 0;
                               data == 0;
                               kind == WRITE;


    $cast(b, my_apb_coverage.get_sampled_obj());
    `FAIL_IF(!a.compare(b)); //not never same
    `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.addr_min_cp.get_coverage() != 100); //100 %
    `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.data_min_cp.get_coverage() != 100); //100
    `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.kind_cp.get_coverage() != 50);


- The below snippet for the uut file coverage code.

data_min_cp :
      coverpoint sampled_obj.data {
        bins min = { 0 };
addr_min_cp :
      coverpoint sampled_obj.addr {
        bins min = { 0 };
kind_cp :
      coverpoint sampled_obj.kind;

- Output for this test


mahadevaswamy05 commented 10 months ago

4. Now we are exploring second test in the apb_coverage_unit_test

    apb_xaction a;

    a = apb_xaction::type_id::create();
    void'(a.randomize() with { addr == 'hfc;
                               data == 0;
                               kind == WRITE;


    `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.addr_max_cp.get_coverage() != 100);

**- Output for this test**
- Using this below command we are running the particular test.

`runSVUnit -uvm -define CLK_PERIOD=5ns --filter apb_coverage_ut.addr_max_cp -s questa
- you can see the below test output picture it's getting passed and the address signal value is getting covered.

mahadevaswamy05 commented 10 months ago

5. Now we are exploring the third test in the apb_coverage_unit_test

 addr_bins_cp :
      coverpoint sampled_obj.addr {
        bins b [16] = { [1:'hf8] };

runSVUnit -uvm -define CLK_PERIOD=5ns --filter apb_coverage_ut.addr_bins_cpi -s questa


mahadevaswamy05 commented 10 months ago

6.. Now we are exploring the fourth test in the apb_coverage_unit_test

    apb_xaction a;

    a = apb_xaction::type_id::create();
    void'(a.randomize() with { data == 'hffff_ffff;
                               kind == WRITE;


    `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.data_max_cp.get_coverage() != 100);


- The below snippet for the uut file coverage code

 data_max_cp :
      coverpoint sampled_obj.data {
        bins max = { 'hffff_ffff };

runSVUnit -uvm -define CLK_PERIOD=5ns --filter apb_coverage_ut.data_max_cp -s questa


mahadevaswamy05 commented 10 months ago
  1. Now we are exploring the fifth test in the apb_coverage_unit_test it's about read.
    apb_xaction a;


    a = apb_xaction::type_id::create();
    void'(a.randomize() with { kind == READ; } );


    `FAIL_IF(my_apb_coverage.cg.kind_cp.get_coverage() != 50);

  kind_cp :
 coverpoint sampled_obj.kind;

- Using the below command we are running the particular test.

runSVUnit -uvm -define CLK_PERIOD=5ns --filter apb_coverage_ut.kind_cp -s questa


mahadevaswamy05 commented 10 months ago

-8. Using the below command we are the running the all test

runSVUnit -uvm -define CLK_PERIOD=5ns -s questa