mbj4668 / pyang

An extensible YANG validator and converter in python
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Is it necessary to list all dependencies of a YANG module during a conversion? #805

Closed jean-christophe-manciot closed 2 years ago

jean-christophe-manciot commented 2 years ago

pyang 2.5.2 python3 3.9.8-1

Let's take an example by converting a YANG module into jtox: 1) without listing any dependency:

pyang --format jtox --output openconfig-network-instance@2021-07-22.jtox openconfig-network-instance@2021-07-22.yang

2) with listing all directly imported modules:

pyang --format jtox --output openconfig-network-instance-with-dependencies@2021-07-22.jtox openconfig-network-instance@2021-07-22.yang ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15.yang ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15.yang openconfig-aft@2021-08-06.yang openconfig-bgp@2021-06-16.yang openconfig-evpn@2021-06-11.yang openconfig-extensions@2020-06-16.yang openconfig-igmp@2021-05-17.yang openconfig-interfaces@2021-04-06.yang openconfig-isis@2021-06-16.yang openconfig-local-routing@2020-03-24.yang openconfig-mpls@2021-06-16.yang openconfig-network-instance-l3@2018-11-21.yang openconfig-network-instance-types@2021-07-14.yang openconfig-ospfv2@2021-03-17.yang openconfig-pim@2021-06-16.yang openconfig-policy-forwarding@2021-08-06.yang openconfig-policy-types@2018-11-21.yang openconfig-routing-policy@2020-08-18.yang openconfig-segment-routing@2021-07-28.yang openconfig-types@2019-04-16.yang openconfig-vlan@2021-07-28.yang

We get 2 different jtox files:

ls -al openconfig-network-instance*@2021-07-22.jtox
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 195882 Mar 23 11:19 'openconfig-network-instance@2021-07-22.jtox'
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 272905 Mar 23 11:18 'openconfig-network-instance-with-dependencies@2021-07-22.jtox'

In the second case, I have not included the nested imported YANG modules for simplicity sake.

So, is it necessary to list all (including nested) dependencies of a YANG module during a conversion?

llhotka commented 2 years ago

You needn't specify import-only modules that only provide groupings and/or typedefs, but you have to specify implemented modules that define their own data hierarchies or augments.

Note that you can list all implemented modules in a NETCONF hello file, and then use it with the --hello option.

jean-christophe-manciot commented 2 years ago

I'm a little confused.

pyang is able to list all imported modules by itself, right? So, for all of those which "define their own data hierarchies or augments", it is necessary to specify them alongside the original module, because pyang cannot figure this by itself?. I must be missing something here.

llhotka commented 2 years ago

This is the difference between implemented and import-only modules, see sections 5.6.5 and 7.1.5 in RFC 7950. Simply, if module A imports B, and then either augments a target node in B or uses a node in B in a path statement, then both A and B have to be implemented (and listed as command-line parameters of in a hello file passed to pyang).

I haven't checked but I assume that you have modules of both types in the command line parameters above.

jean-christophe-manciot commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your answer.

So, I guess there is room for improving pyang there.

Regarding my example: if I follow your explanation 'if module A imports B, and then either augments a target node in B or uses a node in B in a path statement' and 7.1.5 in RFC 7950, since in openconfig-network-instance@2021-07-22.yang there is:

there should not be any need to add any dependency alongside openconfig-network-instance except openconfig-network-instance-types@2021-07-14.yang for the conversion.

Does that sound correct to you?


pyang --format jtox --output openconfig-network-instance-with-dependency@2021-07-22.jtox openconfig-network-instance@2021-07-22.yang  openconfig-network-instance-types@2021-07-14.yang

leads to a file very different from the second jtox. Is this expected?

ls -al openconfig-network-instance*.jtox
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 195882 Mar 23 11:19 'openconfig-network-instance@2021-07-22.jtox'
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 272905 Mar 23 11:18 'openconfig-network-instance-with-dependencies@2021-07-22.jtox'
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 195879 Mar 24 17:51 'openconfig-network-instance-with-dependency@2021-07-22.jtox'
jean-christophe-manciot commented 2 years ago

If I follow your first explanation, the only imported modules which "define their own data hierarchies" are:

Converting module A with them leads to a file very similar to the second one:

pyang --format jtox --output openconfig-network-instance-with-5-dependencies@2021-07-22.jtox openconfig-network-instance@2021-07-22.yang openconfig-bgp@2021-06-16.yang openconfig-interfaces@2021-04-06.yang openconfig-local-routing@2020-03-24.yang openconfig-routing-policy@2020-08-18.yang openconfig-vlan@2021-07-28.yang

leads to openconfig-network-instance-with-5-dependencies@2021-07-22.jtox:

ls -al openconfig-network-instance*.jtox
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 195882 Mar 23 11:19 'openconfig-network-instance@2021-07-22.jtox'
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 272902 Mar 24 18:02 'openconfig-network-instance-with-5-dependencies@2021-07-22.jtox'
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 272905 Mar 23 11:18 'openconfig-network-instance-with-dependencies@2021-07-22.jtox'
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 195879 Mar 24 17:51 'openconfig-network-instance-with-dependency@2021-07-22.jtox'