mbleron / ExcelTable

ExcelTable is an Oracle SQL interface to read Microsoft Excel files (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls, .xml), ODF spreadsheet files (.ods) and flat files as external tables
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Sample Code for Using getSheets Function #52

Open ralmendaresa opened 2 weeks ago

ralmendaresa commented 2 weeks ago

Good afternoon dear Marc, could you please give me an example of how to use the "getSheets" function to get the list of sheets of an Excel workbook?

mbleron commented 2 weeks ago


It is a pipelined function so you have to call it from a cursor :

SQL> select column_value as sheet_name
  2  from table(ExcelTable.getSheets(ExcelTable.getFile('XL_DATA_DIR','multisheet.xlsx')))
  3  ;

ralmendaresa commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you very much, dear Marc. It already worked perfectly for me. Notice that now I have the problem that in an xlsx file in whose column there is data with custom format "hh:mm" when reading it the result gives me "31-DEC-99". As noted in the screenshot "TEST xlsx_COL2_format.jpg". I attach the xlsx file and the screenshots in case you could please help me know how to read the column correctly, carefully

TEST.xlsx TEST xlsx_file ExcelTable_result_query TEST xlsx_COL2_format

mbleron commented 2 weeks ago

That's another question, you should have opened a new issue.

Excel stores dates and times as a serial number internally, and ExcelTable can map that directly to the DATE data type (there's no support for TIME). Then you just have to format this date to your liking. Here's a working example :

select to_char(hora, 'HH24:MI') as hora
     , planta
     , evento
     , interruptor 
from table(
         p_file  => ExcelTable.getFile('XL_DATA_DIR','TEST.xlsx')
       , p_sheet => 'Hoja1'
       , p_cols  => '"HORA" date NULL ON ERROR, "PLANTA" varchar2(256), "EVENTO" varchar2(2), "INTERRUPTOR" varchar2(3)'
       , p_range => 'B2'
where hora is not null