mbloch / mapshaper

Tools for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and CSV files
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Add suport for extracting centeriods #235

Open geodata4all opened 6 years ago

geodata4all commented 6 years ago

I am using pattern of "simonepri" to start this issue.


Possibility of extraction of centroids of polygons.


For centroids there are few techniques available. Best one according my knowledge is https://github.com/mapbox/polylabel

and second best is postgis pointonsurface https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/76498/how-is-st-pointonsurface-calculated

and last one centroids of polygon which can be out side a polygon.

Use case

To extract gaps/overlaps from a polygon. First calculate centroids , convert all polygons to lines and convert back to polygon and select polygon which do not have a centroids , inside.

Till now I am using -dissolve with unique ID and -points, but points can be out side of polygon which i do not want.

Can we add this function? I hope that will help others as well.

ThomasG77 commented 2 years ago

For the polylabel approach, there is now third-party command line utility "geojson-polygon-labels", presented as a "Command line tool to generate point labels from GeoJSON polygons" https://github.com/andrewharvey/geojson-polygon-labels

You can do the PointOnSurface approach using another third party tool like GDAL, e.g

ogr2ogr ne_50m_admin_0_countries_point_on_surface.shp \
             ne_50m_admin_0_countries.shp \
             -dialect SQLite \