mbloch / mapshaper

Tools for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and CSV files
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inspection and visibility #615

Open mroswell opened 5 months ago

mroswell commented 5 months ago

It's been a long time since I was here, and I see new features added in the intervening years.

On mapshaper.org, I like the ability to inspect layers. I'd expect to be able to inspect the top layer, but in my case it seems to only be able to inspect the boundary file layer even if both boundaries and points are showing, regardless of the layer order. (In another session, only the point layer can be inspected).

I've noticed also that the visibility eye has three colors grey: (off) green (on) and black (the one that won't disappear no matter what, and the one that is the only layer that can be inspected--whether black or green).

Is there a way of enabling more control over what layer is inspected? And also, can you explain what is going on with the black eye (!) Again, it is the layer that can't be made invisible, and is the only layer that can be inspected.

I can't account for what makes one layer the special black-eye/inspectable/non-disappearing layer. Perhaps that is the one I loaded first.

mbloch commented 5 months ago

Hi! In the current design, one layer is always selected. The selected layer is drawn in black, and usually has a black eye icon (although I see that in some circumstances, the selected layer has a green icon, which is confusing). This is the layer that gets inspected, and also the layer that console commands are applied to.

In the layers menu, the selected layer has a light blue background (see screengrabs below). You're supposed to be able to select a different layer by clicking on it in the layers menu.

I just noticed that sometimes, the selected layer has a green eye icon... this is confusing, and I'll try to fix that asap.

If you have suggestions for improving the layers interface, please share them!

Figure 1: "Political Divisions" layer is selected. image

Figure 2: unnamed layer is selected. image

mroswell commented 5 months ago

That's helpful, thanks! I think it might be helpful (maybe) to put an x in the upper right to close the Layers, and that way the user can visually see that you've clicked a layer, and then it turns blue. Maybe there is some "inspection" icon that could also show up to make it clear that selecting it is adding that feature. (i'm used to the eye just being for visibility.) Maybe that proposed new icon could toggle the insepection capacity, syncing with the menu on the right...)

I appreciate that you've been maintaining this lovely project all these years!