mblush / LoRa-Messenger

LoRa Messenger and Image Sender is a Python-based GUI application for LoRa communication, enabling users to send and receive text messages, images, and voice recordings. The app supports easy serial port configuration for seamless connectivity with LoRa modules.
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Contribution Offer & Source Code Reauest #1

Open oc7o opened 3 months ago

oc7o commented 3 months ago

I'm afraid to ask, but is there any source code yet? I am working on a large project with an existing LoRa codebase, but it is not mature at all. The project would require a protocol like the one described for your application. I would personally contribute to this project if needed. Things like encryption and packed image transmission would be very helpful.

mblush commented 3 months ago

As for text messages, the Python code is attached and working perfectly fine using Ebyte E22 LoRa modules. However, for image and voice messages, the work I did resulted in lost packets on the other end, causing corrupted images.

oc7o commented 2 months ago

Okay, I had the same experience. The Python code you uploaded is just the front end of the application. Do you have any detailed plans for the backend regarding the LoRa communication itself? For example, I use a LoRa32 chip connected to my device.

mblush commented 1 month ago

To ensure proper communication between LoRa modules, they must operate on the same frequency and data rate. The specific requirements depend on the module itself, so it's important to check the datasheet for the modules you are using. Once confirmed, simply connect the LoRa module to the appropriate PORT on your PC, and you can start using the software for communication.