mbnuqw / sidebery

Firefox extension for managing tabs and bookmarks in sidebar.
MIT License
3.29k stars 166 forks source link

Bug: Active Tabs History gets wiped up after closing Sidebery sidebar #1212

Open drkhn1234 opened 1 year ago

drkhn1234 commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce

Expected behavior

Tabs get switched to according to the recorded history

Actual behavior

(Supposedly) The history is deleted (after the closing of the sidebar), and now shortcuts don't function.

Debug info

Addon data ```json { "addonVersion": "5.0.0rc4", "firefoxVersion": "117.0", "settings": { "nativeScrollbars": true, "nativeScrollbarsThin": true, "nativeScrollbarsLeft": false, "selWinScreenshots": true, "updateSidebarTitle": true, "markWindow": false, "markWindowPreface": "* ", "ctxMenuNative": true, "ctxMenuRenderInact": true, "ctxMenuRenderIcons": true, "ctxMenuIgnoreContainers": "", "navBarLayout": "horizontal", "navBarInline": false, "navBarSide": "left", "hideAddBtn": false, "hideSettingsBtn": false, "navBtnCount": true, "hideEmptyPanels": true, "hideDiscardedTabPanels": false, "navActTabsPanelLeftClickAction": "scroll", "navActBookmarksPanelLeftClickAction": "scroll", "navTabsPanelMidClickAction": "discard", "navBookmarksPanelMidClickAction": "none", "navSwitchPanelsWheel": true, "subPanelRecentlyClosedBar": true, "subPanelBookmarks": false, "subPanelHistory": true, "groupLayout": "list", "skipEmptyPanels": false, "dndTabAct": false, "dndTabActDelay": 500, "dndTabActMod": "none", "dndExp": "hover", "dndExpDelay": 500, "dndExpMod": "none", "dndOutside": "win", "dndActTabFromLink": false, "dndActSearchTab": true, "dndMoveTabs": false, "dndMoveBookmarks": false, "searchBarMode": "dynamic", "searchBookmarksShortcut": "*", "searchHistoryShortcut": "!", "warnOnMultiTabClose": "none", "activateLastTabOnPanelSwitching": true, "activateLastTabOnPanelSwitchingLoadedOnly": true, "switchPanelAfterSwitchingTab": "always", "tabRmBtn": "hover", "activateAfterClosing": "next", "activateAfterClosingStayInPanel": true, "activateAfterClosingGlobal": false, "activateAfterClosingNoFolded": false, "activateAfterClosingNoDiscarded": true, "askNewBookmarkPlace": true, "tabsRmUndoNote": false, "tabsUnreadMark": true, "tabsUpdateMark": "all", "tabsUpdateMarkFirst": true, "tabsReloadLimit": 5, "tabsReloadLimitNotif": true, "showNewTabBtns": true, "newTabBarPosition": "bottom", "tabsPanelSwitchActMove": true, "tabsPanelSwitchActMoveAuto": true, "tabsUrlInTooltip": "full", "newTabCtxReopen": false, "moveNewTabPin": "end", "moveNewTabParent": "last_child", "moveNewTabParentActPanel": true, "moveNewTab": "before", "moveNewTabActivePin": "start", "pinnedTabsPosition": "top", "pinnedTabsList": true, "pinnedAutoGroup": true, "pinnedNoUnload": true, "tabsTree": true, "groupOnOpen": true, "tabsTreeLimit": 3, "autoFoldTabs": true, "autoFoldTabsExcept": 1, "autoExpandTabs": true, "autoExpandTabsOnNew": true, "rmChildTabs": "folded", "tabsChildCount": true, "tabsLvlDots": true, "discardFolded": true, "discardFoldedDelay": 3, "discardFoldedDelayUnit": "min", "tabsTreeBookmarks": true, "treeRmOutdent": "branch", "ignoreFoldedParent": true, "colorizeTabs": false, "colorizeTabsSrc": "domain", "colorizeTabsBranches": true, "colorizeTabsBranchesSrc": "url", "inheritCustomColor": false, "hideInact": true, "hideFoldedTabs": true, "hideFoldedParent": "any", "nativeHighlight": true, "warnOnMultiBookmarkDelete": "any", "autoCloseBookmarks": true, "autoRemoveOther": false, "highlightOpenBookmarks": true, "activateOpenBookmarkTab": true, "showBookmarkLen": true, "bookmarksRmUndoNote": true, "loadBookmarksOnDemand": true, "pinOpenedBookmarksFolder": true, "oldBookmarksAfterSave": "ask", "loadHistoryOnDemand": true, "fontSize": "m", "animations": true, "animationSpeed": "norm", "theme": "proton", "density": "compact", "colorScheme": "ff", "sidebarCSS": false, "groupCSS": false, "snapNotify": true, "snapExcludePrivate": false, "snapInterval": 0, "snapIntervalUnit": "min", "snapLimit": 0, "snapLimitUnit": "snap", "snapAutoExport": false, "snapAutoExportType": "json", "snapAutoExportPath": "Sidebery/snapshot-%Y.%M.%D-%h.%m.%s", "snapMdFullTree": true, "hScrollAction": "none", "navSwitchPanelsDelay": 122, "scrollThroughTabs": "none", "scrollThroughVisibleTabs": true, "scrollThroughTabsSkipDiscarded": true, "scrollThroughTabsExceptOverflow": true, "scrollThroughTabsCyclic": true, "scrollThroughTabsScrollArea": 0, "autoMenuMultiSel": true, "multipleMiddleClose": true, "longClickDelay": 500, "wheelThreshold": false, "wheelThresholdX": 10, "wheelThresholdY": 60, "tabDoubleClick": "none", "tabsSecondClickActPrev": false, "tabsSecondClickActPrevPanelOnly": false, "shiftSelAct": false, "activateOnMouseUp": true, "tabLongLeftClick": "none", "tabLongRightClick": "none", "tabCloseMiddleClick": "close", "tabsPanelLeftClickAction": "expand", "tabsPanelDoubleClickAction": "tab", "tabsPanelRightClickAction": "menu", "tabsPanelMiddleClickAction": "tab", "newTabMiddleClickAction": "new_child", "bookmarksLeftClickAction": "open_in_new", "bookmarksLeftClickActivate": false, "bookmarksLeftClickPos": "default", "bookmarksMidClickAction": "open_in_new", "bookmarksMidClickActivate": false, "bookmarksMidClickRemove": false, "bookmarksMidClickPos": "default", "syncName": "", "syncSaveSettings": true, "syncSaveCtxMenu": true, "syncSaveStyles": false, "syncSaveKeybindings": true, "selectActiveTabFirst": false }, "permissions": { "allUrls": true, "webRequest": true, 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Logs ``` No logs have been produced. ```
drkhn1234 commented 1 year ago

P.S. "Active tabs history of panel: {Back,Forward}" shortcuts are also affected.