Open Makeshift opened 1 year ago
As a workaround, I wrote a little userscript that adds the account ID as a prefix to the page title:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Add Account ID to Title on AWS Console
// @match https://**
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @version 1.0
// @author
// @description Adds the account ID of the current account into the page title when using the AWS console
// @run-at document.end
// @sandbox JavaScript
// ==/UserScript==
/* There are a few variables that are set in the AWS console that we can use to get useful info.
The most easily accessible one I found is `window.ConsoleNavService.AccountInfo`, which has the following vars:
"userAccountNumber": Contains a string with the users account in XXXX-XXXX-XXXX format,
"loginDisplayNameAccount": Contains a string with the users account in XXXX-XXXX-XXXX format,
"loginDisplayNameUser": If logged in via SSO or cross-account role, contains the temporary role name eg "AWSReservedSSO_role-name_abcd1234/",
"roleDisplayNameAccount": Empty for me, but probably would contain the account name if you were assuming a role,
"roleDisplayNameUser": Empty for me, but probably would contain the account name if you were assuming a role
Chosen var must be resolvable from the global scope, ie `window` (note that the `window` of the loaded page is in the `unsafeWindow` var in a userscript)
Unfortunately I couldn't find anything that contains the account name from AWS SSO, so we default to UserAccountNumber.
function setTitle() {
try {
const info = unsafeWindow.ConsoleNavService.AccountInfo.userAccountNumber
const prefix = `[${info}]`
if (!document.title.startsWith(prefix)) {
document.title = `${prefix} ${document.title}`
} catch (e) {
setTimeout(setTitle, 1000)
This can happen with the below extension. Would be great if Sideberry can have this as well
I'm using the AWS SSO Containers extension to open multiple AWS consoles with different sets of cookies.
This works fantastically with Sidebery and I have a container set up for each of the AWS accounts:
However, all of the tabs are named the same thing, and unfortunately there's no extension (currently) that I can find that will either name the tab based on the account, or name the tab based on the container it's in:
Would it be possible to have Sidebery automatically prefix or rename the tabs that are in a specific container in its sidebar?