mbnuqw / sidebery

Firefox extension for managing tabs and bookmarks in sidebar.
MIT License
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Tab Sync Across Devices #1372

Open seniorm0ment opened 10 months ago

seniorm0ment commented 10 months ago


I use Sideberry on all my devices, and I have Firefox Sync enabled for Tabs. It would be very nice to be able to have it Sync across devices.

Maybe this would be best done by making it a specific "Tabs panel" for synced tabs. Like when you create a new tabs panel, just offer a checkbox to "sync across devices". Then users can create multiple tab panels (like I have a panel for work, and personal) that all sync across devices. Then they can not check the box to have device specific tab panel.

When Firefox sync syncs the tabs, it would show up on the other device. So I can go from my desktop to laptop seamlessly and have all my tabs there.

I also use Mull on Android, obviously Sideberry doesn't apply, but maybe if it could offer some way to view those tabs with ease too. Maybe an option when creating a tab panel to "show android tabs as a folder in this panel" so they are in a folder and you just open it and it is still synced across devices or something. Not too sure.

hobgoblina commented 10 months ago

This would be great. Even just syncing snapshots would be solid.

Additionally, it'd be great if we could define a local directory to store synced data in. This would remove data size constraints and enable us to use methods like Syncthing to sync across devices. I don't use firefox's sync feature because I don't want to send me browsing data to a third party, so this is a necessary feature for me to have sync functionality.

seniorm0ment commented 10 months ago

You can actually selfhost Firefox Sync btw

But I would not be against an additional option to define the local directory either (this would actually be nice for Snapshots imo)

However, I feel Syncthing gets buggy with more realtime stuff like this, I use it for Keepass and it doesn't always sync properly, often conflicts, etc. Overall its pretty good, but its the times it doesn't that's annoying. I'd definitely like it to use Firefox Sync, however again I'm not against an option to define a directory either.

hobgoblina commented 9 months ago

"stored in the download directory" isn't really "the ability to select a local folder" ... would be nice if we could select a directory other than Downloads or a subdirectory of it

hobgoblina commented 9 months ago

right, I just don't want it in my downloads folder for a variety of reasons. acceptable for you doesn't mean it is for everyone, hence the request.

mertyn commented 8 months ago

something like this would be a really great feature, i can relate with the multiple devices! for me personally, just syncing using firefox sync and either doing snapshots or downright syncing the whole state would be ideal. having the option to sync using snapshot files aswell would be great too. with this however, auto import and the option of auto loading the most recent snapshot would make it more frictionless. i don't know if giving all of these options at the same time is viable to be implemented, but given the customizable nature of the whole extension, it would be really nice to see all available.

seniorm0ment commented 8 months ago

Yes not to bump my own thread, but the more I am using my laptop for business lately, the more I find myself wishing I could just come home and shut the lid on my laptop, and hop on my desktop and not have to open up a million of the tabs I had open already on my laptop. It would be so nice if they were just there already synced and ready to go. Then when I don't want to be on my desk, I can just grab my laptop and jump on the couch and be where I left off from my desktop.

Maybe an option to right click > "open/close tab locally" might be something to consider alongside this.

But yeah just a basic sync would be so nice.

artfox3 commented 8 months ago

I guess the easiest way to do this for now is using the bookmarks, at the end of every session in one device, i save the panel to a folder bookmarks, and because bookmarks are synced, on the other device i just open the panel from that folder. But it isn't intuitive, as you have to save manually and open manually every time, what would be great is to have an option to save automatically to bookmarks, the same we have for snapshots, and another option to update automatically a panel from its bookmark folder for example.

daffydock commented 8 months ago

If I may be able to add, I had recently been using Tab Stash and its implementation to sync tabs across devices is pretty good.


It saves all tab groups as bookmark folders under a specific main folder: 'Tab Stash.' So, an install new or otherwise on any browser will automatically look into that folder for any existing tab groups and sets them/syncs them up, as per your syncing cycle or tool.

It uses FF Sync but essentially any sync service/app will work. I, like others, do not use FF's implementation but Nextcloud Bookmarks and its extension to sync bookmarks across devices through my instance and it works great.

However, I still use SB as well, since the UI, options and general usability of SideBerry is superb in comparison. No dig at TD, since TD feels far more like an archiving extension over the more all-rounder that SB is. All you have to do is save them, which is something we all can already do in SB. Syncing the JSON file is also a possible but it is really not efficient in comparison to syncing tab folders.

It might be a tad limiting to have all tab groups under one a specific folder for some, yet if the end goal is to have a portable experience, whether ones uses FF sync or another syncing service, to me it seems quite the worthwhile trade off.

I am not sure if this can be implemented in that manner. For now, I save my tab groups as specific folders and the bookmarks get synced but I have not yet tried to open them on a different device/SB install, as I do not want to risk overwriting them if I create a new group on different install without FF Sync, of if they will repopulate if I name the Tab Group the same as the existing Bookmark folder.

Either way, thank you for a great extension.

Update: Out of curiosity, tried a while ago the DIY approach mentioned above after originally writing this, of syncing SB via bookmarks only and well, it messed up my bookmarks. Fixed it but would not recommend, until SB incorporates a more TS approach that is built-in or just use the original way of export/import.

lufixSch commented 6 months ago

I really like the tab-stash solution because it also allows me to go through my tabs/groups on mobile (ios) even though there is no support for extensions. Would really love to see that added to Sidebery.

hollisticated-horse commented 6 months ago

I was about to post :

Out of curiosity, is there something technical halting implementation of this feature ? Or is it to do with project and time management ?

But seems that we have an answer from @mbnuqw here

#54, It's planned but will probably require some third-party (or self-hosted) service because of Firefox limitations. Not sure about when it will be implemented, since I don't need that feature myself.

They also mention some workarounds.

Maybe we continue the conversation there ?

Anyhow, +1 for Sync support (like Tabstash or other), and thank you soo much for that extension.

Would totally donate if a non-crypto system were to be provided :grin:

davidjhi commented 6 months ago

+1 for sync support of tabs +1 of additional system of donations!

mertyn commented 4 months ago

i actually did not realize that one can save and restore tab panels to and from bookmarks. that feature is pretty nice, but not quite what i (and probably others in need of sync) want. i also had a look at tab stash, but that also does not achieve what i would want, because it bunches together all tabs present. if the system for using bookmarks is already in place, then it should be possible to use that for saving and restoring all tab panels. and also not save the panels as new folders every time, but overwrite the existing one. making that process automatic or semi-automatic would then be really convenient

Terkyz commented 4 months ago

+1 asking for this feature.

migmanu commented 3 months ago

Yeah +1 here too!

yves-amevoin commented 2 months ago

+1 here too!

c0d3h4x0r commented 2 months ago

This should be considered more important than any other feature request or non-breaking bug. This is a basic, fundamental feature that every user naturally expects to be present. It happens to be the one missing feature that is an absolute dealbreaker for me trying out this extension.

TheFriendlyGoat commented 2 months ago

I would switch to Firefox if auto tab syncing was implemented. I currently use the Workspaces feature of Microsoft Edge that syncs tabs across devices. It is so useful when switching from my laptop to my desktop, I can't use a browser without it.

I do love Sideberry, but can't use it without sync. Please look at implementing this ASAP.

davidjhi commented 2 months ago

I'm very happy using Sidebery.

I would love to have this functionality, but as the developer mentions, it's not as straight forward as it can be. Also, i think Sidebery its just a single person project, that does this in his free time.

So I would encourage people to donate something so he can consider this, as something that people really need. I just sent around 26usd, not that much, but It's something:


I think the simpler method would be a local backup, so people can use sync tools to mantain the device's tabs updated, for example Syncthing / Nextcloud.

PD: There's been like 4 - 5 times that Firefox gets updated by snap (Ubuntu), and somehow it gets disconnected from my Firefox User. When i log-in again, the device is recognized as something different, so all my tabs get lost. That its super annoying. Having at least a backup of that would be great.

mbnuqw commented 1 month ago

@davidjhi, Thank you for donation, I'll rise the priority of this task. Although, I need a few days to catch up with the latest activity on this project, merge some PRs, fix some nasty bugs and probably make the new AMO release with the latest commits. After that I'll check what I can do here. Probably will test/[implement] multiple options: Google Drive (and other) API, #1076, self-hosted sync server, etc...

brandonpollack23 commented 1 month ago

+1 will donate some for this once my account is verified (haha dont have crypto accounts)

TheFriendlyGoat commented 1 month ago

Just donated a little towards this feature. I understand if it's complicated or takes a bit, but would love to see it. Great plugin too!


rsenna commented 1 month ago

Btw, probably a very obvious reminder, but I guess still worth mentioning: I believe there are many ways a "simple" synchronization could go wrong. For example, ff two or more users are sharing the same Firefox account and try to make different changes to tabs panels, folders or tabs at the same time. That would very probably cause synchronization conflicts, which would have to be handled adequatedly.

Otherwise, a naive implementation could easily provoke different problems, such as losing tabs ordering, losing whole tabs, or issues with the folder structure.