mbnuqw / sidebery

Firefox extension for managing tabs and bookmarks in sidebar.
MIT License
3.03k stars 157 forks source link

[BUG] Sidebery is moving tabs from all groups to the last group #1507

Open animaone opened 4 months ago

animaone commented 4 months ago

Steps to reproduce

Expected behavior

Tabs should Stay in their groups and not move alone to another groups.

Actual behavior

Tabs have life by themselves and they move to other groups (jumping like happy rabbits) without my permission.

Debug info

Addon data ```json { "addonVersion": "5.1.1", "firefoxVersion": "122.0.1", "settings": { "nativeScrollbars": false, "nativeScrollbarsThin": false, "nativeScrollbarsLeft": false, "selWinScreenshots": false, "updateSidebarTitle": true, "markWindow": false, "markWindowPreface": "[Sidebery] ", "ctxMenuNative": false, "ctxMenuRenderInact": true, "ctxMenuRenderIcons": true, "ctxMenuIgnoreContainers": "", "navBarLayout": "horizontal", "navBarInline": true, "navBarSide": "left", "hideAddBtn": false, "hideSettingsBtn": false, "navBtnCount": true, "hideEmptyPanels": true, "hideDiscardedTabPanels": false, "navActTabsPanelLeftClickAction": "none", "navActBookmarksPanelLeftClickAction": "none", "navTabsPanelMidClickAction": "discard", "navBookmarksPanelMidClickAction": "none", "navSwitchPanelsWheel": true, "subPanelRecentlyClosedBar": true, "subPanelBookmarks": true, "subPanelHistory": true, "groupLayout": "grid", "containersSortByName": false, "skipEmptyPanels": false, "dndTabAct": true, "dndTabActDelay": 750, "dndTabActMod": "none", "dndExp": "pointer", "dndExpDelay": 750, "dndExpMod": "none", "dndOutside": "win", "dndActTabFromLink": true, "dndActSearchTab": true, "dndMoveTabs": false, "dndMoveBookmarks": false, "searchBarMode": "dynamic", "searchPanelSwitch": "same_type", "searchBookmarksShortcut": "", "searchHistoryShortcut": "", "warnOnMultiTabClose": "collapsed", "activateLastTabOnPanelSwitching": true, "activateLastTabOnPanelSwitchingLoadedOnly": true, "switchPanelAfterSwitchingTab": "always", "tabRmBtn": "hover", "activateAfterClosing": "next", "activateAfterClosingStayInPanel": false, "activateAfterClosingGlobal": false, "activateAfterClosingNoFolded": true, "activateAfterClosingNoDiscarded": true, "askNewBookmarkPlace": true, "tabsRmUndoNote": true, "tabsUnreadMark": false, "tabsUpdateMark": "all", "tabsUpdateMarkFirst": true, "tabsReloadLimit": 5, "tabsReloadLimitNotif": true, "showNewTabBtns": true, "newTabBarPosition": "after_tabs", "tabsPanelSwitchActMove": true, "tabsPanelSwitchActMoveAuto": true, "tabsUrlInTooltip": "full", "newTabCtxReopen": false, "tabWarmupOnHover": true, "tabSwitchDelay": 0, "moveNewTabPin": "start", "moveNewTabParent": "last_child", "moveNewTabParentActPanel": false, "moveNewTab": "end", "moveNewTabActivePin": "start", "pinnedTabsPosition": "panel", "pinnedTabsList": false, "pinnedAutoGroup": true, "pinnedNoUnload": false, "pinnedForcedDiscard": false, "tabsTree": true, "groupOnOpen": true, "tabsTreeLimit": "none", "autoFoldTabs": false, "autoFoldTabsExcept": "none", "autoExpandTabs": false, "autoExpandTabsOnNew": false, "rmChildTabs": "folded", "tabsLvlDots": true, "discardFolded": false, "discardFoldedDelay": 0, "discardFoldedDelayUnit": "sec", "tabsTreeBookmarks": true, "treeRmOutdent": "branch", "ignoreFoldedParent": false, "colorizeTabs": true, "colorizeTabsSrc": "container", "colorizeTabsBranches": false, "colorizeTabsBranchesSrc": "url", "inheritCustomColor": true, "hideInact": false, "hideFoldedTabs": false, "hideFoldedParent": "none", "nativeHighlight": false, "warnOnMultiBookmarkDelete": "collapsed", "autoCloseBookmarks": false, "autoRemoveOther": false, "highlightOpenBookmarks": false, "activateOpenBookmarkTab": false, "showBookmarkLen": true, "bookmarksRmUndoNote": true, "loadBookmarksOnDemand": true, "pinOpenedBookmarksFolder": true, "oldBookmarksAfterSave": "ask", "loadHistoryOnDemand": true, "fontSize": "xxs", "animations": true, "animationSpeed": "norm", "theme": "plain", "density": "default", "colorScheme": "ff", "sidebarCSS": true, "groupCSS": false, "snapNotify": true, "snapExcludePrivate": false, "snapInterval": 5, "snapIntervalUnit": "hr", "snapLimit": 0, "snapLimitUnit": "snap", "snapAutoExport": true, "snapAutoExportType": "json", "snapAutoExportPath": "0_SNAPSHOTS_SIDEBERY/snapshot-%Y.%M.%D-%h.%m.%s", "snapMdFullTree": false, "hScrollAction": "none", "onePanelSwitchPerScroll": false, "navSwitchPanelsDelay": 128, "scrollThroughTabs": "none", "scrollThroughVisibleTabs": true, "scrollThroughTabsSkipDiscarded": true, "scrollThroughTabsExceptOverflow": true, "scrollThroughTabsCyclic": false, "scrollThroughTabsScrollArea": 0, "autoMenuMultiSel": true, "multipleMiddleClose": false, "longClickDelay": 500, "wheelThreshold": false, "wheelThresholdX": 10, "wheelThresholdY": 60, "tabDoubleClick": "none", "tabsSecondClickActPrev": true, "tabsSecondClickActPrevPanelOnly": false, "shiftSelAct": true, "activateOnMouseUp": false, "tabLongLeftClick": "none", "tabLongRightClick": "none", "tabMiddleClick": "close", "tabMiddleClickCtrl": "discard", "tabMiddleClickShift": "duplicate", "tabCloseMiddleClick": "close", "tabsPanelLeftClickAction": "none", "tabsPanelDoubleClickAction": "tab", "tabsPanelRightClickAction": "menu", "tabsPanelMiddleClickAction": "tab", "newTabMiddleClickAction": "new_child", "bookmarksLeftClickAction": "open_in_act", "bookmarksLeftClickActivate": false, "bookmarksLeftClickPos": "default", "bookmarksMidClickAction": "open_in_new", "bookmarksMidClickActivate": false, "bookmarksMidClickRemove": false, "bookmarksMidClickPos": "default", "historyLeftClickAction": "open_in_act", "historyLeftClickActivate": false, "historyLeftClickPos": "default", "historyMidClickAction": "open_in_new", "historyMidClickActivate": false, "historyMidClickPos": "default", "syncName": "", "syncSaveSettings": false, "syncSaveCtxMenu": false, "syncSaveStyles": false, "syncSaveKeybindings": false, "selectActiveTabFirst": true }, "permissions": { "allUrls": true, "webRequest": true, "webRequestBlocking": true, "proxy": true, "tabHide": true, "clipboardWrite": false, "history": true, "bookmarks": true, "downloads": true }, "storage": { "size": "1.33 mb", "props": { "containers": "1.07 kb", "contextMenu": "1.51 kb", "favDomains": "32.1 kb", "favHashes": "7.53 kb", "favicons_01": "293 kb", "favicons_02": "228 kb", "favicons_03": "2 b", "favicons_04": "2 b", "favicons_05": "2 b", "groupCSS": "2 b", "lastSnapTime": "13 b", "profileID": "14 b", "settings": "4.88 kb", "sidebar": "1.42 kb", "sidebarCSS": "152 b", "snapshots": "753 kb", "tabsDataCache": "39.6 kb", "ver": "7 b" } }, "sidebar": { "nav": [ "aA08UGydv-zB", "hjSvHjheMLrR", "BGu1clDJ5cOS", "eT43kabjpO8X", "add_tp", "sp-0", "settings" ], "panels": { "aA08UGydv-zB": { "type": 2, "id": "aA08UGydv-zB", "name": "len: 5", "color": "blue", "iconSVG": "fingerprint", "iconIMGSrc": "", "iconIMG": "", "lockedPanel": false, "skipOnSwitching": false, "noEmpty": false, "newTabCtx": "firefox-container-9", "dropTabCtx": "none", "moveRules": [], "moveExcludedTo": -1, "bookmarksFolderId": -1, "newTabBtns": [], "srcPanelConfig": null }, "hjSvHjheMLrR": { "type": 2, "id": "hjSvHjheMLrR", "name": "len: 8", "color": "orange", "iconSVG": "briefcase", "iconIMGSrc": "", "iconIMG": "", "lockedPanel": false, "skipOnSwitching": false, "noEmpty": false, "newTabCtx": "firefox-container-2", "dropTabCtx": "none", "moveRules": [], "moveExcludedTo": -1, "bookmarksFolderId": -1, "newTabBtns": [], "srcPanelConfig": null }, "BGu1clDJ5cOS": { "type": 2, "id": "BGu1clDJ5cOS", "name": "len: 8", "color": "red", "iconSVG": "circle", "iconIMGSrc": "", "iconIMG": "", "lockedPanel": false, "skipOnSwitching": false, "noEmpty": false, "newTabCtx": "firefox-container-7", "dropTabCtx": "none", "moveRules": [], "moveExcludedTo": -1, "bookmarksFolderId": -1, "newTabBtns": [], "srcPanelConfig": null }, "eT43kabjpO8X": { "type": 2, "id": "eT43kabjpO8X", "name": "len: 8", "color": "green", "iconSVG": "pet", "iconIMGSrc": "", "iconIMG": "", "lockedPanel": false, "skipOnSwitching": false, "noEmpty": false, "newTabCtx": "firefox-container-6", "dropTabCtx": "none", "moveRules": [], "moveExcludedTo": -1, "bookmarksFolderId": -1, "newTabBtns": [], "srcPanelConfig": null } } }, "containers": [ { "id": "firefox-container-2", "cookieStoreId": "firefox-container-2", "name": "8", "icon": "...", "color": "orange", "colorCode": "#37adff", "proxified": false, "proxy": null, "reopenRulesActive": false, "reopenRules": [], "userAgentActive": false, "userAgent": "" }, { "id": "firefox-container-6", "cookieStoreId": "firefox-container-6", "name": "8", "icon": "...", "color": "green", "colorCode": "#37adff", "proxified": false, "proxy": null, "reopenRulesActive": false, "reopenRules": [], "userAgentActive": false, "userAgent": "" }, { "id": "firefox-container-7", "cookieStoreId": "firefox-container-7", "name": "8", "icon": "...", "color": "red", "colorCode": "#37adff", "proxified": false, "proxy": null, "reopenRulesActive": false, "reopenRules": [], "userAgentActive": false, "userAgent": "" }, { "id": "firefox-container-9", "cookieStoreId": "firefox-container-9", "name": "5", "icon": "...", "color": "blue", "colorCode": "#37adff", "proxified": false, "proxy": null, "reopenRulesActive": false, "reopenRules": [], "userAgentActive": false, "userAgent": "" } ], "sidebarCSSLen": "147", "windows": [ { "state": "maximized", "incognito": false, "tabsCount": 226 } ], "bookmarks": { "bookmarksCount": 1320, "foldersCount": 5, "separatorsCount": 0, "maxDepth": 2 } } ```
Logs ``` To get logs: - Open DevTools (open this url in new tab: about:devtools-toolbox?id=%7B3c078156-979c-498b-8990-85f7987dd929%7D&type=extension). - Navigate to "console" tab. - Click on the trash bin icon (at the top-left) to clear console. - Then try to reproduce the issue. - If messages appear, copy and paste them here inside this codeblock, replacing this text. ``` **HERE ARE THE LOGS, BUT THEY MAY NOT RELATED TO THE BUG SINCE I CAN'T REPRODUCE IT PROCEDURALLY** [bg] Init start [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [bg] Init end: 498ms [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [bg] IPC.onConnected sidebar 1 [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [bg] Windows.isWindowTabsLocked 1 [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [bg] IPC.onConnected sidebar 288 [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [bg] Windows.isWindowTabsLocked 288 [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [bg] IPC.onDisconnected sidebar 288 [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [bg] IPC.onDisconnected sidebar 1 [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar] Init start [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar:1] Sidebar.loadPanels [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar:1] Sidebar.loadPanels: Done: 38ms [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar:1] Tabs.load [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar:1] Tabs.restoreTabsState [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [bg] IPC.onConnected sidebar 1 [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [bg] Windows.isWindowTabsLocked 1 [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar:1] Tabs.restoreTabsFromCache [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar:1] Tabs.restoreTabsState: Done: 85ms [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar:1] Tabs.load: Done: 338ms [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar:1] Init end: 586ms [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:2:7771](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar:1] Tab.onMouseEnter: Warmup successor tab Error: Invalid tab ID: 247 [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:3:25](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar:1] Tab.onMouseEnter: Warmup successor tab Error: Invalid tab ID: 248 [chunk-4CCDWPNC.js:3:25](moz-extension://ad8259db-b804-4121-b7f5-c9a118962279/chunk-4CCDWPNC.js) [sidebar:1] Tab.onMouseEnter: Warmup successor tab Error: Invalid tab ID: 362
animaone commented 4 months ago

A small update: happened again recently. I think this bug has something to do with having most of the tabs unloaded, closing all the tabs in one group and using middle mouse button in other groups to open new tabs...

mbnuqw commented 3 months ago

Same as in #1526, could you list your enabled addons and about:config tweaks?

altano commented 3 months ago

@animaone my problem was still having Tree Style Tabs still enabled. If you have that installed and enabled, try disabling it to see if it fixes your issue.

animaone commented 3 months ago

I have just Ublock Origin and Privacy Badger enabled in about:addons

knighthawk0811 commented 3 months ago

this is happening to me as well.

I rebooted my laptop yesterday at the end of my day and this morning and the last tab group has absorbed the next 7. I have about 15 or so tab groups in sidebery, one for each property at work. about once a week now a bunch of tab groups are all getting merged into the last group.

I have not seen this happen on my home PC and only my work laptop. I have way more extensions enabled at home but here are the ones that are on the effected PC

Sidebery firefox multi account containers Lastpass Privacy badger Ghostery SEO Analysis by WooRank Enhancer for Youtube *

animaone commented 2 months ago

I think it may be Firefox's fault... Why? Well... I will give a small update about what happened recently: I decided to give up Sidebery and use another extension. Simple Tab Groups' sidebar... after some days, when I had already re-organized everything, it happened again, in other extension, tabs started disappearing, tabs' titles started getting corrupted... So it may be a problem of Firefox itself... I've installed a portable Firefox fresh install with a new profile, re-installed the small number of extensions that I needed, migrated everything to this new Firefox, but using Simple Ttab Groups. I had to move some tabs from a temporary container to a newly created container... and suddenly tabs names started to get corrupted, restarted it and everything was back to normal (but this bug is reproducible, it continued happening). Them I decided to stop using Simple Tab Groups and gone back to an extension that never gave me bugs: Container Tabs Sidebar. I am using this simple extension, It may be simple enough to not trigger a bug that is maybe being caused by Firefox memory corruption... And some minutes ago I just restarted the old Firefox install, and I've got a surprise. All my tabs had disappeared, lol, but I am safe in the new installation (I hope so). Will try to create a new profile and to reproduce the Sidebery bug when I got the motivation and time to do so...

conclusion: Firefox is buggy, but an old Firefox install that is being used by years may be even buggier