mbnuqw / sidebery

Firefox extension for managing tabs and bookmarks in sidebar.
MIT License
3.26k stars 163 forks source link

`target="_blank"` links open in a new window #153

Closed starmatt closed 4 years ago

starmatt commented 4 years ago


Steps to reproduce

Click on a link / anchor that has a target="_blank" attribute. ex:

<a href="#" target="_blank">click on me!</a>

Expected behavior

Open the link destination in a new tab / child tab.

Actual behavior

The link destination opens in a new window.

Environment info

OS: Linux Firefox: 74.0 Addon: 4.6.2

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mbnuqw commented 4 years ago

Sidebery does nothing with this behavior, please check your browser settings ("Open links in tabs instead of windows")

starmatt commented 4 years ago

I am, indeed, a little dumb.

Thanks for replying and for your amazing extension!