mbnuqw / sidebery

Firefox extension for managing tabs and bookmarks in sidebar.
MIT License
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Right Click Doesn't Open Sidebery Context Menu #366

Open seniorm0ment opened 3 years ago

seniorm0ment commented 3 years ago

Tried on latest Firefox ESR on Windows 10, and Librewolf on Artix Linux, same issue, two different machines.

When right clicking on Sidebery, it opens the Firefox context menu ("View page source, info, etc), and I can see when I click away it opened the Sidebery context under it but I can't get to it.

Didn't have this issue with TreeStyleTabs. Was curious if you had any ideas?

mbnuqw commented 3 years ago

Just checked Firefox ESR 78.9, menu is showing as intended. Do you have userChrome.css with sidebar restyling?

mbnuqw commented 3 years ago

Also, try to reset menu configs in Sidebery settings / Menu / Edit context menu

seniorm0ment commented 3 years ago

Yes, I am using the userchrome, that may be the issue I'll check later and report back

seniorm0ment commented 3 years ago

Late reply, so, I tried removing the userChrome and it doesn't look like it fixed it. I only tested that on Librewolf, not Firefox-ESR. But here's my userChrome if you wanted to test it as well. I'm not entirely sure what else might cause it.

@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");

/* to hide the native tabs */
#TabsToolbar {
    visibility: collapse;

/* to hide the sidebar header */
#sidebar-header {
     visibility: collapse;

/* set default namespace to XUL */
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");

/* Remove Stop button when there's nothing to Stop */

#stop-button[disabled="true"] { display: none; }

/* Remove Go button from address bar */

#go-button-stack, .search-go-button-stack { display: none !important; }

/*Remove magnifying glass button from search box*/

.search-go-button-stack { display: none !important; }

Eliminate the throbber and its annoying movement: */

throbber-box { display: none !important; }

/*Center URL Text*/

urlbar {text-align: center;}

 * {
 --menu-corner-rounding: 10px;
 --menu-item-height: 30px;
 --button-corner-rounding: 20px; */
 --animation-speed: 0.4s;        */

I guess I have some redundancy but it all works lol.

mbnuqw commented 3 years ago

Did you try to reset context menu (sidebery settings / Menu / Edit context menu / Reset each section)? Could you copy debug info (sidebery settings / Help / Show debug info / Copy) and paste it here?

dakrone commented 3 years ago

@mbnuqw I'm having the same problem on OSX (right click doesn't do anything, but puts it into some weird tab selection mode instead), however, right-click works fine on my Linux machines. My wife has the same right click problem on firefox on her OSX laptop as well.

I tried resetting the context menu but it didn't change anything. Here's my debug info from an OSX machine: https://gist.github.com/dakrone/721b3c6754bfb759f0240308adb5268e

dakrone commented 2 years ago

Any ideas on this one? I'm still running into it on multiple computers of mine.

seniorm0ment commented 2 years ago

nope, same issue still on librewolf and firefoxesr on win10, gentoo, and artix forgot to put debug info i can look later if i remember

zsection commented 1 year ago

Same issue here!

igunn commented 5 months ago

I'm running Firefox 124.0.2 (64-bit) on OSX Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71) with sideberry v5.2.0 and I am too having the problem where the context menu does not appear. Right clicking has no effect inside the sideberry panel. I'm loving the rest of the sideberry functionality so far but I'd love that context menu! Any ideas how to make it work?

Thank you

-------Debug info below------- { "addonVersion": "5.2.0", "firefoxVersion": "124.0.2", "settings": { "nativeScrollbars": true, "nativeScrollbarsThin": true, "nativeScrollbarsLeft": false, "selWinScreenshots": false, "updateSidebarTitle": true, "markWindow": false, "markWindowPreface": "[Sidebery] ", "ctxMenuNative": true, "ctxMenuRenderInact": true, "ctxMenuRenderIcons": true, "ctxMenuIgnoreContainers": "", "navBarLayout": "horizontal", "navBarInline": true, "navBarSide": "left", "hideAddBtn": false, "hideSettingsBtn": false, "navBtnCount": true, "hideEmptyPanels": true, "hideDiscardedTabPanels": false, "navActTabsPanelLeftClickAction": "none", "navActBookmarksPanelLeftClickAction": "none", "navTabsPanelMidClickAction": "discard", "navBookmarksPanelMidClickAction": "none", "navSwitchPanelsWheel": true, "subPanelRecentlyClosedBar": true, "subPanelBookmarks": true, "subPanelHistory": true, "groupLayout": "grid", "containersSortByName": true, "skipEmptyPanels": false, "dndTabAct": true, "dndTabActDelay": 750, "dndTabActMod": "none", "dndExp": "pointer", "dndExpDelay": 750, "dndExpMod": "none", "dndOutside": "win", "dndActTabFromLink": true, "dndActSearchTab": true, "dndMoveTabs": false, "dndMoveBookmarks": false, "searchBarMode": "dynamic", "searchPanelSwitch": "same_type", "searchBookmarksShortcut": "", "searchHistoryShortcut": "", "warnOnMultiTabClose": "collapsed", "activateLastTabOnPanelSwitching": true, "activateLastTabOnPanelSwitchingLoadedOnly": true, "switchPanelAfterSwitchingTab": "always", "tabRmBtn": "hover", "activateAfterClosing": "next", "activateAfterClosingStayInPanel": false, "activateAfterClosingGlobal": false, "activateAfterClosingNoFolded": true, "activateAfterClosingNoDiscarded": true, "askNewBookmarkPlace": true, "tabsRmUndoNote": true, "tabsUnreadMark": false, "tabsUpdateMark": "all", "tabsUpdateMarkFirst": true, "tabsReloadLimit": 5, "tabsReloadLimitNotif": true, "showNewTabBtns": true, "newTabBarPosition": "after_tabs", "tabsPanelSwitchActMove": false, "tabsPanelSwitchActMoveAuto": true, "tabsUrlInTooltip": "full", "newTabCtxReopen": false, "tabWarmupOnHover": true, "tabSwitchDelay": 0, "moveNewTabPin": "start", "moveNewTabParent": "last_child", "moveNewTabParentActPanel": false, "moveNewTab": "end", "moveNewTabActivePin": "start", "pinnedTabsPosition": "panel", "pinnedTabsList": true, "pinnedAutoGroup": false, "pinnedNoUnload": false, "pinnedForcedDiscard": false, "tabsTree": true, "groupOnOpen": true, "tabsTreeLimit": "none", "autoFoldTabs": false, "autoFoldTabsExcept": "none", "autoExpandTabs": false, "autoExpandTabsOnNew": false, "rmChildTabs": "folded", "tabsLvlDots": true, "discardFolded": false, "discardFoldedDelay": 0, "discardFoldedDelayUnit": "sec", "tabsTreeBookmarks": true, "treeRmOutdent": "branch", "autoGroupOnClose": false, "autoGroupOnClose0Lvl": false, "autoGroupOnCloseMouseOnly": false, "ignoreFoldedParent": false, "showNewGroupConf": true, "sortGroupsFirst": true, "colorizeTabs": false, "colorizeTabsSrc": "domain", "colorizeTabsBranches": true, "colorizeTabsBranchesSrc": "url", "inheritCustomColor": true, "previewTabs": false, "previewTabsMode": "i", "previewTabsPageModeFallback": "w", "previewTabsInlineHeight": 70, "previewTabsPopupWidth": 280, "previewTabsSide": "right", "previewTabsDelay": 500, "previewTabsFollowMouse": true, "previewTabsWinOffsetY": 36, "previewTabsWinOffsetX": 6, "previewTabsInPageOffsetY": 0, "previewTabsInPageOffsetX": 0, "previewTabsCropRight": 0, "hideInact": false, "hideFoldedTabs": false, "hideFoldedParent": "none", "nativeHighlight": false, "warnOnMultiBookmarkDelete": "collapsed", "autoCloseBookmarks": false, "autoRemoveOther": false, "highlightOpenBookmarks": false, "activateOpenBookmarkTab": false, "showBookmarkLen": true, "bookmarksRmUndoNote": true, "loadBookmarksOnDemand": true, "pinOpenedBookmarksFolder": true, "oldBookmarksAfterSave": "ask", "loadHistoryOnDemand": true, "fontSize": "m", "animations": true, "animationSpeed": "slow", "theme": "proton", "density": "default", "colorScheme": "ff", "sidebarCSS": false, "groupCSS": false, "snapNotify": true, "snapExcludePrivate": true, "snapInterval": 0, "snapIntervalUnit": "min", "snapLimit": 0, "snapLimitUnit": "snap", "snapAutoExport": false, "snapAutoExportType": "json", "snapAutoExportPath": "Sidebery/snapshot-%Y.%M.%D-%h.%m.%s", "snapMdFullTree": false, "hScrollAction": "none", "onePanelSwitchPerScroll": false, "wheelAccumulationX": true, "wheelAccumulationY": true, "navSwitchPanelsDelay": 128, "scrollThroughTabs": "global", "scrollThroughVisibleTabs": true, "scrollThroughTabsSkipDiscarded": true, "scrollThroughTabsExceptOverflow": true, "scrollThroughTabsCyclic": false, "scrollThroughTabsScrollArea": 0, "autoMenuMultiSel": true, "multipleMiddleClose": false, "longClickDelay": 500, "wheelThreshold": false, "wheelThresholdX": 10, "wheelThresholdY": 10, "tabDoubleClick": "none", "tabsSecondClickActPrev": true, "tabsSecondClickActPrevPanelOnly": false, "shiftSelAct": true, "activateOnMouseUp": false, "tabLongLeftClick": "none", "tabLongRightClick": "none", "tabMiddleClick": "close", "tabMiddleClickCtrl": "discard", "tabMiddleClickShift": "duplicate", "tabCloseMiddleClick": "close", "tabsPanelLeftClickAction": "none", "tabsPanelDoubleClickAction": "tab", "tabsPanelRightClickAction": "menu", "tabsPanelMiddleClickAction": "tab", "newTabMiddleClickAction": "new_child", "bookmarksLeftClickAction": "open_in_act", "bookmarksLeftClickActivate": false, "bookmarksLeftClickPos": "default", "bookmarksMidClickAction": "open_in_new", "bookmarksMidClickActivate": false, "bookmarksMidClickRemove": false, "bookmarksMidClickPos": "default", "historyLeftClickAction": "open_in_act", "historyLeftClickActivate": false, "historyLeftClickPos": "default", "historyMidClickAction": "open_in_new", "historyMidClickActivate": false, "historyMidClickPos": "default", "syncName": "MacbookAir settings", "syncSaveSettings": true, "syncSaveCtxMenu": true, 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igunn commented 5 months ago

I'll add that it seems the right click context menu works when a physical mouse is connected but if I use the macbook trackpad (ctrl+click) the context menu does not appear. The normal firefox context menu works with the track pad else where in the app.