mbnuqw / sidebery

Firefox extension for managing tabs and bookmarks in sidebar.
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[v5] [Feature Request] Tab Notes #666

Open megamorphg opened 2 years ago

megamorphg commented 2 years ago


Frequently I have some action-item based on a tab or a "next step" and I have to record that externally somehow (notebook, bookmark organization, to-do list, etc.)... or forget. Sadly it is the latter with most "low priority" tabs.

It would be awesome to have the ability to add text-only notes similar to Tabs Outliner but better.

I know this is requesting a whole new feature but it seems like this would best be integrated into the Sidebery system. My current workaround: using "OurStickys", literally the only Firefox page notes extension.

Suggested Implementation (only first 3 are necessary for a beta release):

emvaized commented 2 years ago

My first thought was that it would be too much work to implement. But then I figured out it could be added in easy way, by defining some "note" type of tab, which could be added via context menu, and store the note content in it's url.

After some work and testing, I managed to implement experimental support for such tab notes in my fork. Notes can be created both from context menu entry, or by dragging some text from page on a tab (as shown in your video). Note tabs persist as long as their associated tabs exist, and can be moved in tabs tree as any other tab. However, this implementation is slightly different from your request, as the notes do not get strongly associated with the tabs, their association is achieved via tabs tree structure.

Nice bonus is, notes support some rich text formatting (visible only on the note page). Also I found it better looking to dim opacity for notes tabs just a little bit with this CSS rule in Sidebery settings: .Tab[title*="/page.note/note.html"] { opacity: 0.75; } which ends up looking like this:

tab notes

The feature is currently quite raw, and more of a proof-of-concept. Here are some remaining tasks to polish it, which I haven't figured out yet how to do:

You can test the feature by going to about:debug and installing the attached archive (or build it yourself from my fork): sidebery-5.0.0b25-with-notes.zip

Maybe @mbnuqw you could be interested in finishing it? Or I can try to finish it later after some more investigation. After some testing I found this feature quite fun, and maybe worth further development.

jathek commented 2 years ago

Strongly against adding these into the tree like the above screenshot. Would really clutter the tab tree imo. Usability-wise, I think it would be much better to add an icon to the tab, like audio events do. Hovering over that icon would then show the tab note in a tooltip.

koppor commented 1 year ago

Note that OP asked for a note indicator, too.

note indicator (yellow dot) on tab visible if there is a note tied to the tab

@emvaized Maybe you could use your experience to solve tab renaming (https://github.com/mbnuqw/sidebery/issues/185)? This could be a "quick win" for those wanting to have notes.

emvaized commented 1 year ago

solve tab renaming

I would have done it already if I could, as it's the feature I want to see in Sidebary the most! However, it looks like Max is preparing something awesome for us

TeMPOraL commented 1 year ago

Seconding overall idea. I've been using Sideberry extensively in recent times, and the ability to add notes to tabs and tab groups is the very one thing I've felt a really strong need for all the time.

Use case: using tabs as short-term bookmarks. Being able to quickly jot down on the tab itself why I'm keeping it around. Or adding a short summary. For example, I open multiple tabs for different failing builds of a program. I skim them quickly, observe the errors, and I'd then like to be able to write - directly on a tab - what the issue is, so that an hour or a day later, I come back to a tree of tabs with labels like "missing include", "test XYZ crash", "spurious failure", "timeout", instead of just the page titles, that all just say "blah blah build name #1234 Console [Jenkins]|, which is completely useless to me.

In my mind, this notes would ideally be plaintext, and would be rendered in the tree view as a tab subtitle, under the actual title, in a smaller font, truncated to panel width like the tab title, etc. Hovering could reveal the whole note in a tooltip (even a system/browser default one), but it's important to me to be able to see at least some of the tab notes in the tree view, without interaction. The ability to rename tabs (like you can rename groups) would work in a pinch.

ConstantinosM commented 1 year ago

Are there any updates on the progress regarding this feature? This would be a significant addition for me as well, as I use tabs as short-term bookmarks corresponding to various projects or tasks. The priority of these projects often changes, requiring me to switch between them every few days (or even weeks). Not sure if it is possible, but i was thinking a dot indicating that a note is attached to a tab and then being able to view the note when hovering. Or perhaps as @TeMPOraL mentioned with a rendered subtile. In Groups panel, someone could view the list with the tabs along with their attached notes. That way we could avoid clutter the tree.

I also have opened a discussion thread here.

the-a-man-006 commented 7 months ago

NEW-TAB in context-menu (https://github.com/mbnuqw/sidebery/issues/1503#issuecomment-2015700864):

sometimes one just wants to open child tabs on far away tabs as a reminder/TODO to research something related to that tab, and since Sidebery allows changing the Title of New Tabs, makes for an epic usecase. For a far-away (our-of-focus) tab "Lemon Juice recipe", you could create a new child tab "Is citric acid toxic?", all without losing focus from the current tab "Work you're supposed to do instead of procrastinating on it by thinking about lemon juice".

If one wishes to avoid cluttering the tree so bad, one could group such New-Tabs-with-edited-titles-doubling-as-notes, under a New Tab with the title "NOTES".

--- Work Tab ------ More work ------ Even more work

--- Lemon Juice Recipe ------ NOTES --------- Is citric acid toxic? --------- Google the best fruits... --------- How to stop procrastinating lol.

--- Older work tab ------ Frequently needed still ------ That's why not closed yet

Then, you could even collapse all the new/empty tabs under the "NOTES" new-tab.

For actual serious note taking, I think the best note-taking extension already exists: WebStickies (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/webstickies/); also my most favourite and most used extension. It's such a simple and minimalist and low-cost (stores everything on the device, unless you sign-up for sync, but then, it's not end-to-end-encrypted) extension that it's a shame that it's the only one of its kind. Annotations are lame and bound to malfunction (unless for PDFs, for which it's understandable).

One could create a new tab, load Google/Bing, and keep all of one's random notes on a Sticky Note there, and pin that tab! Not as great as option 1 though, which already works!

umnikos commented 2 months ago

What I would prefer over all of this is a new tab extension that allows you to write notes inside the new tab and keep notes between such tabs separate. It should be significantly simpler to implement than messing with Sidebery. I found such an extension for Chrome (Tab notes) but had no luck finding a similar thing for Firefox...

emvaized commented 2 months ago

@umnikos What you described is actually pretty close to the "note tabs" idea I suggested above, which implied creating new tabs for each note, with fullscreen editor open when selected.

But in fact, you don't actually need any separate extension to do that. For example, here is a basic snippet which you can paste directly to url bar as if it were a link: data:text/html,<html contenteditable autofocus>

It will create a new tab with nothing but a text editor. But it won't store your notes between browser restarts.

Here's my extended version with some styles added and line numbers to the left. It will try to preserve text between browser restarts by storing it in url hash, and it also updates the tab title to correspond with the first line of the note.

Feel free to try it as well by pasting the whole snippet to the url bar:

Note tab URL snippet ``` data:text/html, Empty note
umnikos commented 2 months ago

@emvaized now include backup support (or integrate it into sidebery snapshots somehow), custom themes, more bells and whistles, and it will absolutely be extension-worthy

emvaized commented 2 months ago

@umnikos I think Sidebery snapshots might already support it, as it's just a regular tab with all information stored in the url.

The advantage of using url snippet is that it doesn't require you to install an extension, so you can share such tab url to another person, or open it in another browser, and it will show the note correctly. Also, you will never lose such a note if you, for example, uninstall the extension.

But the resulting url for each note, with all the javascript and styles included, will be embarrassingly huge.

megamorphg commented 2 months ago

@emvaized Could link this to an Autohotkey shortcut for ease to create as a new child tab,.. Firefox also has unlimited URL length so this is a great solution to have as a new tab. It just increases tab clutter and does lack additional feature extension.

emvaized commented 2 months ago

@megamorphg It is also possible to create a bookmark for it. And then, if you also add #%s to the end of URL for this bookmark, you can use bookmark keyword to quickly create a tab note. For example, I have set a keyword "note" for this bookmark, and now I can create a new tab, type "note Hello world!" in the urlbar, and it will create a note tab using my URL snippet. Quite useful!

does lack additional feature extension

I don't think a note of such format really needs a ton of features... I see it more like a barebones notepad. Hence I would rather prefer to cut down the huge URL as much as possible, despite the unlimited URL length in Firefox.

For example, here I created a super minified version of the snippet, with no line numbers and almost no styles. It's still quite huge, but looks much denser (956 characters, compared to 2652 in the previous version):

Compact URL snippet for note tab ``` data:text/html,Empty note ```

I would like to cut the favicon part as well by using some of Firefox's built-in svg icons (for example, chrome://global/skin/reader/align-left-20.svg), but it doesn't work for some reason.

megamorphg commented 2 months ago

Keyword search is the way to go! ChatGPT compressed it a bit (over 100 characters)!

data:text/html,<html><head><title>Empty note</title><link rel="icon" href="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' height='20' width='20'%3E%3Cpath d='M3 5h9v1.5H3V5zm0 6.25h6v1.5H3v-1.5zm0-3.13h9v1.5H3v-1.5zm13.78 3.87.65-.65c.29-.29.29-.77 0-1.06l-.71-.71a.754.754 0 0 0-1.06 0l-.65.65 1.77 1.77zm-.59.59L11.77 17H10v-1.77l4.42-4.42 1.77 1.77z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E"/></head><body style="margin:10%"><textarea style="width:100%;height:100%;border-radius:4px;border:1px solid lightgray;padding:8px" autofocus></textarea><script>const t=document.querySelector("textarea"),e=()=>{document.title=t.value.split("\n")[0],window.location.hash=encodeURI(t.value)};t.addEventListener("input",()=>setTimeout(e,100));if(location.hash){t.value=decodeURI(location.hash.slice(1));e()}</script></body></html>

Regarding the additional functionality, I was thinking of having "reminders" for notes and some of the other features in my 1st post in this thread. Kind of like a timed alert like Snooze Tabs. But I guess it may be better/reliable to just name the tabs appropriately, create a Task for it and link to it for later finding. It just requires that extra second step of creating a task item in one's task list, not to mention making sure to later find it.

And for smaller notes/reminders that we don't need a scheduled reminder, when having so many nested tabs open, I just use the title of Group tabs to remind me what the tab set is for. So maybe this request can be closed.

umnikos commented 1 month ago

I just had the realization the length of the html source does not matter if you simply turn this into a website.


megamorphg commented 1 month ago

I just had the realization the length of the html source does not matter if you simply turn this into a website.

That could be useful in a different situation but notes need to be ad-hoc and there could be dozens of different note pages (can't make an github website for every single one). The URL length is not an issue IMO.

umnikos commented 1 month ago

@megamorphg what do you mean? The text is still stored in the url after the #, there is no need for dozens of different github repos.

It's basically the exact same thing but with unlimited expandability feature-wise and with the ability to update the styling of all of your notes in a single place. The only drawback I can think of is that it no longer works without internet but I normally do not use a browser without internet so for me this ticks all of the boxes.

emvaized commented 1 month ago

@umnikos Great idea! This way note tabs are also saved in browser history and Sidebery correctly.

I wouldn't be worried much about losing it in case of lack of internet connection or server failure, because you can always access your note in the url directly, copy or edit it.

Here I created a Github repository with enhanced version of this snippet, splitted in separate files in a readable way. I added support for rich text formatting and several buttons to make the selected text bold, italics etc. It even supports pasting images, which get converted to base64 format under the hood. I also restored line numbers on the left and added characters count on the bottom.

It is hosted now on https://emvaized.github.io/notepad-tab/#Hello!

Maybe I'll add more features later, or consider publishing it as a separate addon as well.

megamorphg commented 1 month ago

@emvaized Woah, it takes a second to load but the RTF benefits might be worth it! And images, wow. Hyperlinks don't seem to open right. I don't like how it writes to history on every change. Maybe worth it to make the delay even longer. Turning it into a whole extension may be good since there are barely any good ones on the addon store but then it might not write to history at all. Keep us in the loop!

emvaized commented 1 month ago

And images, wow

It works great indeed, and might have it's own use cases, but I'm yet to figure out how to add resize handles for images as they're currently always pasted in the original resolution

Hyperlinks don't seem to open right

Yeah, currently you have to right click on them and open in new tab to interact with the hyperlink instead of a text content. I think of a solution to add a Lock button which will toggle editability of the text field, thus making hyperlinks clickable

UPD: I added now a special handler which will click links when Shift or Alt key is held. And also some test implementation for image resize handle.

GitMurf commented 1 month ago

I saw up in the discussion that it was marked as planned. Anyone heard what the plans may be for notes becoming “native” in sidebery? Or any progress on it? Thanks!

GitMurf commented 1 month ago

fyi for the tab note "hack" (creative approach) from above using bookmarklet, I am using focusout event instead of input as it will just save each time you leave focus from the note text area instead of update/saving every keystroke. You can then get rid of the settimeout debouncer.