mbnuqw / sidebery

Firefox extension for managing tabs and bookmarks in sidebar.
MIT License
3.43k stars 174 forks source link

Recent Company VPN Change broke extension!! #827

Closed ameeno closed 6 months ago

ameeno commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce

Expected behavior

VPN should work.

Actual behavior

COntainer jumps and session login fails

Debug info

Addon data { "settings": { "version": "4.10.2", "nativeScrollbars": false, "selWinScreenshots": true, "tabsCheck": true, "tabsFix": "reinit", "markWindow": true, "markWindowPreface": "​", "ctxMenuNative": false, "autoHideCtxMenu": 1000, "ctxMenuRenderInact": true, "ctxMenuIgnoreContainers": "", "navBarLayout": "horizontal", "navBarInline": true, "hideAddBtn": true, "hideSettingsBtn": true, "navBtnCount": true, "hideEmptyPanels": true, "navActTabsPanelLeftClickAction": "none", "navActBookmarksPanelLeftClickAction": "scroll", "navMidClickAction": "none", "navSwitchPanelsWheel": true, "groupLayout": "list", "skipEmptyPanels": false, "dndTabAct": true, "dndTabActDelay": 50, "dndTabActMod": "none", "dndExp": "pointer", "dndExpDelay": 50, "dndExpMod": "none", "stateStorage": "global", "warnOnMultiTabClose": "any", "activateOnMouseUp": false, "activateLastTabOnPanelSwitching": true, "showTabRmBtn": true, "showTabCtx": true, "hideInact": false, "activateAfterClosing": "prev", "activateAfterClosingPrevRule": "tree", "activateAfterClosingNextRule": "tree", "activateAfterClosingGlobal": true, "activateAfterClosingNoFolded": false, "activateAfterClosingNoDiscarded": false, "shiftSelAct": true, "askNewBookmarkPlace": true, "tabsRmUndoNote": true, "nativeHighlight": true, "tabsUnreadMark": true, "tabsReloadLimit": 5, "tabsReloadLimitNotif": true, "tabsPanelSwitchActMove": true, "moveNewTabPin": "end", "moveNewTabParent": "default", "moveNewTabParentActPanel": true, "moveNewTab": "end", "pinnedTabsPosition": "panel", "pinnedTabsList": false, "pinnedAutoGroup": true, "tabsTree": true, "groupOnOpen": true, "tabsTreeLimit": "none", "hideFoldedTabs": false, "autoFoldTabs": true, "autoFoldTabsExcept": 5, "autoExpandTabs": true, "rmChildTabs": "none", "tabsChildCount": true, "tabsLvlDots": true, "discardFolded": true, "discardFoldedDelay": 15, "discardFoldedDelayUnit": "min", "tabsTreeBookmarks": true, "treeRmOutdent": "first_child", "bookmarksPanel": true, "warnOnMultiBookmarkDelete": "collapsed", "openBookmarkNewTab": true, "midClickBookmark": "open_new_tab", "actMidClickTab": true, "autoCloseBookmarks": true, "autoRemoveOther": false, "highlightOpenBookmarks": true, "activateOpenBookmarkTab": true, "showBookmarkLen": true, "bookmarksRmUndoNote": true, "fontSize": "s", "bgNoise": false, "animations": true, "animationSpeed": "fast", "theme": "default", "style": "dark", "sidebarCSS": "#root { \n --tabs-font: 1.1rem sans-serif;\n --tabs-count-font: .7rem sans-serif;\n --bookmarks-bookmark-font: .975rem sans-serif;\n --bookmarks-folder-font: 1.1rem sans-serif;\n --nav-btn-width: 42px;\n --nav-btn-height: 42px;\n}\n\n/* Adjust styles according to sidebar width */\n@media screen and (max-width: 47px) {\n #root {\n --tabs-indent: unset;\n }\n\n .Tab[data-audible]:not([data-muted]) svg.-loud,\n .Tab[data-muted] svg.-mute {\n transform: translateY(4px) translateX(-13px);\n }\n\n .NavigationBar .panel-btn:not([data-active=\"true\"]),\n .Sidebar .settings-btn,\n .Tab .close,\n .Tab .title {\n visibility: collapse;\n }\n\n .Tab .exp,\n .Tab[data-parent][data-folded] .fav {\n pointer-events: none;\n }\n\n}\n\n/*\n * Add margins and rounding around tabs\n */\n\n#root {\n --tabs-height: 42px;\n}\n\n/* Background layer */\n.Tab .lvl-wrapper:after {\n content: '';\n position: absolute;\n top: 5px;\n left: 5px;\n width: calc(100% - 10px);\n height: calc(100% - 6px);\n border-radius: 4px;\n z-index: -1;\n}\n\n@media (prefers-color-scheme:light) {\n #root {\n --tabs-activated-bg: white !important;\n --tabs-bg-active: var(--tabs-activated-bg) !important;\n --tabs-selected-fg: var(--tabs-activated-fg) !important;\n --tabs-selected-bg: var(--tabs-activated-bg) !important;\n --bg: #f9f9fb !important;\n --chrome-content-separator-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);\n }\n\n .Tab[data-selected] .lvl-wrapper:after,\n .Tab[data-active] .lvl-wrapper:after {\n box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(128, 128, 142, 0.9), 0 0 4px rgba(128, 128, 142, 0.5);\n }\n}\n\n@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) {\n #root {\n --tabs-activated-bg: #42414d !important;\n --tabs-bg-active: var(--tabs-activated-bg) !important;\n --tabs-selected-fg: var(--tabs-activated-fg) !important;\n --tabs-selected-bg: var(--tabs-activated-bg) !important;\n --bg: #2b2a33 !important;\n --chrome-content-separator-color: #0c0c0d;\n --tabs-bg-hover: rgb(51, 51, 62) !important;\n }\n\n .Tab[data-selected] .lvl-wrapper:after,\n .Tab[data-active] .lvl-wrapper:after {\n box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(128, 128, 142, 0.9);\n }\n\n .Tab .placeholder>svg {\n fill: var(--nav-btn-fg);\n }\n}\n\n/* Reset default styles */\n.Tab:hover,\n.Tab:active,\n.Tab[data-active],\n.Tab[data-active]:active,\n.Tab[data-selected],\n.Tab[data-selected]:hover,\n.Tab[data-selected]:active {\n background: transparent;\n}\n\n/* Reapply styles */\n\n.Tab:hover .lvl-wrapper:after {\n background-color: var(--tabs-bg-hover);\n}\n\n.NavigationBar .panel-btn[data-active=\"true\"],\n.Tab:active .lvl-wrapper:after,\n.Tab[data-active]:active .lvl-wrapper:after {\n background-color: var(--tabs-bg-active);\n}\n\n.Tab[data-active] .lvl-wrapper:after {\n background-color: var(--tabs-activated-bg);\n}\n\n\n.Tab[data-selected] .lvl-wrapper:after {\n background-color: var(--tabs-selected-bg);\n ,\n}\n\n/* Resize and reposition favicons */\n.Tab .fav {\n margin-left: 15px;\n}\n\n.Tab .fav,\n.Tab .placeholder,\n.Tab .t-box {\n margin-bottom: -3px;\n}\n\n.TabsPanel .container {\n box-shadow: none;\n}\n\n.Sidebar::before {\n --border-margin: 16px;\n content: '';\n width: calc(100% - var(--border-margin));\n margin: 0 calc(var(--border-margin) / 2);\n border-top: 1px solid var(--chrome-content-separator-color);\n}\n\n\n.Tab .audio {\n z-index: 21 !important;\n transform: translateX(5px);\n}\n\n.Tab .close {\n margin: 0 5px;\n}\n\n.Tab .t-box {\n width: calc(100% - 50px);\n}\n\n.NavigationBar .panels-box {\n /* flex-wrap: nowrap;*/\n}\n\n#root[data-nav-layout=\"horizontal\"] .NavigationBar,\n#root[data-nav-layout=\"hidden\"] .NavigationBar {\n box-shadow: none;\n}\n\n.NavigationBar .panel-btn {\n top: 5px;\n left: 5px;\n width: calc(var(--nav-btn-width) - 6px);\n height: calc(var(--nav-btn-height) - 6px);\n border-radius: 4px;\n margin-right: 5px;\n margin-bottom: 10px;\n}\n\n.NavigationBar .panel-btn[data-active=\"true\"] {\n box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(128, 128, 142, 0.9);\n}\n\n\n.Sidebar .panel::before{\n --border-margin: 16px;\n content: '';\n width: calc(100% - var(--border-margin));\n margin: 0 calc(var(--border-margin) / 2);\n border-top: 1px solid var(--chrome-content-separator-color);\n}\n.NavigationBar .panels-box {\n flex-wrap: nowrap;\n}\n\n", "groupCSS": false, "snapNotify": false, "snapExcludePrivate": false, "snapInterval": 15, "snapIntervalUnit": "min", "snapLimit": 512, "snapLimitUnit": "kb", "hScrollThroughPanels": true, "scrollThroughTabs": "none", "scrollThroughVisibleTabs": false, "scrollThroughTabsSkipDiscarded": false, "scrollThroughTabsExceptOverflow": true, "scrollThroughTabsCyclic": true, "tabDoubleClick": "pin", "tabLongLeftClick": "mute", "tabLongRightClick": "none", "tabsPanelLeftClickAction": "none", "tabsPanelDoubleClickAction": "tab", "tabsPanelRightClickAction": "menu", "tabsPanelMiddleClickAction": "tab", "syncName": "GloMBP-SB4", "syncSaveSettings": true, "syncSaveCtxMenu": true, "syncSaveStyles": true, "syncAutoApply": false }, "permissions": { "allUrls": true, "tabHide": true, "actualAllUrls": true, "actualTabHide": true }, "storage": { "size": "2.7 mb", "props": { "bookmarksMenu": "197 b", "bookmarksPanelMenu": "54 b", "containers_v4": "4 kb", "cssVars": "1.6 kb", "expandedBookmarks": "18 b", "favAutoCleanTime": "10 b", "favUrls": "34.1 kb", "favicons": "2.2 mb", "lastSnapTime": "13 b", "panelIndex": "1 b", "panels_v4": "2.4 kb", "prevTabsData_v4": "1 kb", "profileID": "14 b", "settings": "7 kb", "sidebarCSS": "4.2 kb", "snapshots_v4": "508.4 kb", "tabsData_v4": "1 kb", "tabsMenu": "428 b", "tabsPanelMenu": "184 b" } }, "panels": [ { "type": "default", "id": "firefox-default", "name": 7, "icon": "...", "cookieStoreId": "firefox-default", "lockedTabs": true, "lockedPanel": false, "skipOnSwitching": true, "noEmpty": true, "newTabCtx": "firefox-default", "dropTabCtx": "firefox-default", "moveTabCtx": "firefox-default", "moveTabCtxNoChild": true }, { "type": "tabs", "id": "7ktCmOUSv42E", "name": 14, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "customIconSrc": "", "customIcon": "", "lockedTabs": true, "lockedPanel": true, "skipOnSwitching": false, "noEmpty": true, "newTabCtx": "firefox-container-2", "dropTabCtx": "firefox-container-2", "moveTabCtx": "firefox-container-2", "moveTabCtxNoChild": true, "urlRulesActive": false, "urlRules": 147 }, { "type": "tabs", "id": "bs_nrlgUH541", "name": 5, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "customIconSrc": "", "customIcon": "", "lockedTabs": false, "lockedPanel": false, "skipOnSwitching": false, "noEmpty": false, "newTabCtx": "firefox-container-28", "dropTabCtx": "firefox-container-28", "moveTabCtx": "firefox-container-28", "moveTabCtxNoChild": true, "urlRulesActive": false, "urlRules": "" }, { "type": "tabs", "id": "cWPd7FpO7a51", "name": 5, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "customIconSrc": "", "customIcon": "", "lockedTabs": false, "lockedPanel": true, "skipOnSwitching": false, "noEmpty": false, "newTabCtx": "firefox-container-29", "dropTabCtx": "firefox-container-29", "moveTabCtx": "firefox-container-29", "moveTabCtxNoChild": true, "urlRulesActive": false, "urlRules": "" }, { "type": "tabs", "id": "nn3y6UAR4pii", "name": 5, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "customIconSrc": "", "customIcon": "", "lockedTabs": false, "lockedPanel": true, "skipOnSwitching": false, "noEmpty": false, "newTabCtx": "firefox-container-30", "dropTabCtx": "firefox-container-30", "moveTabCtx": "firefox-container-30", "moveTabCtxNoChild": true, "urlRulesActive": false, "urlRules": "" }, { "type": "tabs", "id": "HOBDBteFj4Nh", "name": 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"userAgentActive": false, "userAgent": "" }, { "id": "firefox-container-13", "name": 21, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "proxified": false, "proxy": null, "includeHostsActive": false, "includeHosts": "", "excludeHostsActive": false, "excludeHosts": "", "userAgentActive": false, "userAgent": "" }, { "id": "firefox-container-14", "name": 18, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "proxified": false, "proxy": null, "includeHostsActive": false, "includeHosts": "", "excludeHostsActive": false, "excludeHosts": "", "userAgentActive": false, "userAgent": "" }, { "id": "firefox-container-27", "name": 12, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "proxified": false, "proxy": null, "includeHostsActive": false, "includeHosts": "", "excludeHostsActive": false, "excludeHosts": "", "userAgentActive": false, "userAgent": "" }, { "id": "firefox-container-18", "name": 11, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "proxified": false, "proxy": "direct", "includeHostsActive": true, "includeHosts": 50, "excludeHostsActive": true, "excludeHosts": 50, "userAgentActive": true, "userAgent": "" }, { "id": "firefox-container-19", "name": 8, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "proxified": false, "proxy": null, "includeHostsActive": false, "includeHosts": "", "excludeHostsActive": false, "excludeHosts": "", "userAgentActive": false, "userAgent": "" }, { "id": "firefox-container-28", "name": 5, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "proxified": false, "proxy": null, "includeHostsActive": false, "includeHosts": "", "excludeHostsActive": false, "excludeHosts": "", "userAgentActive": false, "userAgent": "" }, { "id": "firefox-container-29", "name": 5, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "proxified": false, "proxy": null, "includeHostsActive": false, "includeHosts": "", "excludeHostsActive": false, "excludeHosts": "", "userAgentActive": false, "userAgent": "" }, { "id": "firefox-container-30", "name": 5, "icon": "...", "color": "...", "proxified": false, "proxy": null, "includeHostsActive": false, "includeHosts": "", "excludeHostsActive": 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functions" }, "group", "flatten", "discard", "clearCookies" ], "separator-4", "close", "closeDescendants", "closeTabsAbove", "closeTabsBelow", "reopenInNewWin", "reopenInWin", "closeOtherTabs" ], "bookmarksMenu": [ [ { "name": "Open in" }, "openInNewWin", "openInNewPrivWin" ], [ { "name": "Containers" }, "openInCtr" ], "separator-5", "createBookmark", "createFolder", "createSeparator", "separator-7", "copyUrls", "edit", "delete" ], "bookmarks": { "bookmarksCount": 821, "foldersCount": 57, "separatorsCount": 2, "maxDepth": 6 } }
Logs no messages appear

OK so basically my company started switching globalprotect vpn to use system default browser. only i have sideberry keep my work related url's in a work container.

what i can see happens, is on browser first launch, it opens the page in the default container.

it then tries to connect to my companies url's for okta sign on, however it auto switches to the work container, and in that switch, the cookie/session info is lost, and so the vpn is unable to connect.

i have tried to set up excludes for panels for file:// stuff, and other bits and bobs, but no joy, doesn't work.

only unblocker is for me to disable side berry when switching to vpn.

not ideal as it means i might just keep side berry disabled perma if i goto keep doing this.

The whole point of side berry is so it can conveniently switch my containers for me, but if it gets in the way i need to lose it :(

i basically need a way to tell it NEVER TO SWITCH away from default unless i move a container to a panel manually, and then always do that.

or alternatively, how about me having regex matches for default container?

if i could make my default container the work one, that might work?

mbnuqw commented 1 year ago

If I correctly understood, you can try to use a default container as a "work" container and setup "Exclude URLs" in "personal" container with work URLs.