mboeck11 / BGVAR

Toolbox for the estimation of Bayesian Global Vector Autoregressions in R.
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When stacking is finished and there is no summary #16

Closed yh78815 closed 9 months ago

yh78815 commented 1 year ago

Dear Author: I have an error as below.

summary_bgvar <- summary(model_bgvar_with_config)

Error in 1:d1 : argument of length 0

My time series is quarterly data (72 points) and there are 100 series. My pc has 8GB of ram. It seems after the run everything is empty, a list of nothing. This happens if I set my draw number high. What can I do to get a result? I tried 1000 and it worked. Could I know why?

I have my config set as follows:

BGVAR_data_start = "2003Q1"

BGVAR_data_end = "2021Q4"

BGVAR_data_start_formatted = "2003-01-01"

Model configuration

BGVAR_lag = 1

BGVAR_prior = "MN"

BGVAR_draw = 5000

BGVAR_burnin = 5000


BGVAR_hold.out = 0

BGVAR_thin = 1


BGVAR_hyperpara = NULL

BGVAR_eigen = T

BGVAR_verbose = TRUE

BGVAR_expert = NULL


#################################################################### Start estimation of Bayesian Global Vector Autoregression.

Prior: Minnesota prior.

Lag order: 1 (endo.), 1 (w. exog.)

Stochastic volatility: enabled.

Number of cores used: 1.

Thinning factor: 1. This means every draw is saved.

            No hyperparameters are chosen, default setting applied.

Estimation of country models starts...

Estimation done and took 9 mins 15 seconds.

Start stacking:

Stacking finished.

Computation of BGVAR yields 0 (0%) draws (active trimming).

Needed time for estimation of bgvar: 9 mins 16 seconds.

summary_bgvar <- summary(model_bgvar_with_config)

Error in 1:d1 : argument of length 0

mboeck11 commented 9 months ago

This happens because BGVAR yields no stable posterior draws. I would suggest that you estimate the model in stationary terms or play around with the eigen command.

Nevertheless, I added a if-condition in the new version to print an appropriate error message.