mboeddeker / disk_space

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Can't build project after upgrade to Flutter 2.10.3 #11

Open abhlabs opened 2 years ago

abhlabs commented 2 years ago

After upgrade to Flutter 2.10.3, I can no longer build my project unless I remove disk_space, getting error Execution failed for task ':disk_space:compileDebugKotlin'. See proposed fix in pull request.


e: Incompatible classes were found in dependencies. Remove them from the classpath or use '-Xskip-metadata-version-check' to suppress errors
e: c:\FlutterDev\flutter\.pub-cache\hosted\pub.dartlang.org\disk_space-0.2.1\android\src\main\kotlin\de\appgewaltig\disk_space\DiskSpacePlugin.kt: (14, 6): Class 'kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic' was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.5.1, expected version is 1.1.16.
The class is loaded from C:/Users/ahart/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/386454215e6950cb1162d1da9ff12466/transformed/jetified-kotlin-stdlib-1.5.31.jar!/kotlin/jvm/JvmStatic.class
e: c:\FlutterDev\flutter\.pub-cache\hosted\pub.dartlang.org\disk_space-0.2.1\android\src\main\kotlin\de\appgewaltig\disk_space\DiskSpacePlugin.kt: (16, 7): Class 'kotlin.Unit' was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.5.1, expected version is 1.1.16.
The class is loaded from C:/Users/ahart/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/386454215e6950cb1162d1da9ff12466/transformed/jetified-kotlin-stdlib-1.5.31.jar!/kotlin/Unit.class

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':disk_space:compileDebugKotlin'.
aravind-b-dev commented 2 years ago

Try it flutter version 2.5.0

eric-nextsense commented 2 years ago

got the same build issue

abhlabs commented 2 years ago

Try it flutter version 2.5.0

Why would you downgrade the Flutter version?

activcoding commented 1 month ago

@eric-nextsense, @aravind-b-dev Since this package hasn't been updated in 2 years and the maintainers haven't responded to any issues or pull requests, I created a new repository: https://github.com/activcoding/disk_space_2. The updated package, which should work, is available here: https://pub.dev/packages/disk_space_2.