mbojan / alluvial

Alluvial diagrams
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alluvial box label is cut-off #32

Closed epo071 closed 7 years ago

epo071 commented 7 years ago

this graph shows best the issue with the lable' Academy' being cut on half height. alluviate_cut_box_label

mbojan commented 7 years ago

OK, I see.

Is Academy essentially an empty category or you are adding it separetely with mtext or something like that?

I think I'll expose mar as an additional argument.

This is a duplicate of #31

mbojan commented 7 years ago

I have added mar argument to alluvial() in https://github.com/mbojan/alluvial/commit/dffa0cc7d9b787c9aaeb77fdcbd83f02704c4833. Please try installing from GitHub with devtools::install_github and check if you can modify the margins as you like.

epo071 commented 7 years ago

'Academy' is neither an empty category, nor mtext. The issue must rather do with positioning the block label within the plot limits. btw your latest commit also seems to break the colors.

colinbrislawn commented 7 years ago

Hello @epo071,

There is a package called ggalluvial based on this package, which has some more flexibility in labels styles. Check out the examples here: https://github.com/corybrunson/ggalluvial

mbojan commented 7 years ago

@colinbrislawn it is not an issue of inflexible labeling.

@epo071 I'm trying to reproduce the problem. It does seem to me that you have basically a row with frequency 0 (that's what I meant as "empty categories"), e.g.:

d <- data.frame(
  x = 1:3,
  y = 1:3,
  n = c(10, 20, 0)
alluvial(d[,1:2], freq=d$n, col="lightskyblue", border="white", blocks=FALSE)

Filter-out the rows with 0 frequencies and it should be OK.

PS. Thanks for the heads-up with the colors. I have reverted a recent PR that was bringing otherwise attractive enhancement of being able to color individual segments. It broke the col specification unfortunately.

epo071 commented 7 years ago

here comes the reproducible data proof that the Academy or Tech. Coope boxes are NOT zero

PC_long <- data.frame(PRODUCTS= c('Search','Examination','Opposition','Tech. Coope','Academy','Filing', 'Appeal', 'Pat. Info','Search', 'Examination','Filing', 'Opposition','Appeal', 'Pat. Info','Tech. Coope','Academy','Search', 'Examination','Pat. Info','Tech. Coope','Filing', 'Appeal', 'Opposition','Academy','Examination','Filing', 'Search', 'Opposition','Pat. Info','Appeal', 'Pat. Info','Academy','Search', 'Examination','Tech.Coope','Filing','Opposition','Tech. Coope','Search', 'Examination','Academy','Filing', 'Opposition','Appeal', 'Pat. Info','Academy'),
MCC= c('JC', 'JC', 'JC', 'JC', 'JC', 'JC', 'JC', 'JC', 'Other', 'Other', 'Other', 'Other',      
'Other', 'Other', 'Other', 'Other', 'IM', 'IM', 'IM', 'IM', 'IM', 'IM', 'IM', 'IM',  
'SIS', 'SIS', 'SIS', 'SIS', 'SIS', 'Appeal','Pat. Info','Pat. Info','Pat. Info','Pat. Info','Pat. Info','Pat. Info',
'Pat. Info','Tech. Coope','Tech. Coope','Tech. Coope','Tech. Coope','Tech. Coope','Tech. Coope','Tech. Coope','Tech. Coope','Academy'),
value= c(592.553,223.780,31.372,1.490, 1.079, 1.024, 0.332, 0.287,  143.370, 75.176, 26.264,   15.849,   12.835, 9.988, 5.989, 1.881,  104.073, 22.627 ,  20.968, 15.795, 12.730, 3.237, 3.005, 0.432, 30.821, 18.190, 12.092, 9.128, 7.292, 56.435, 20.229, 0.799, 0.399, 0.155, 0.108, 0.022, 0.021, 13.285, 0.559, 0.311, 0.152, 0.107, 0.105, 0.088, 0.034, 6.396))

PC_long <- PC_long %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(MCC, desc(value)) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(color= ifelse(MCC == 'JC', "pink", "lightskyblue")) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(color= ifelse(MCC == 'IM', "purple", color))

alluvial::alluvial(PC_long[,rev(1:2)], freq= PC_long$value,
                     col = PC_long$color,
                     blocks= FALSE,
                     ordering= list(NULL,order(PC_long$MCC)),
                     hide=PC_long$value < 13)
mbojan commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the example. The clipping is due to ylim passed to plot. If the top or bottom stripes have low frequency the labels extend beyond the plotting region. I think I'll expose xlim and ylim as arguments, or at least allow for an offset that will modify the default values.

mbojan commented 7 years ago

I added xlim_offset and ylim_offset to adjust the limits of the plotting region. Now e.g. with

alluvial::alluvial(PC_long[,rev(1:2)], freq= PC_long$value,
                   col = PC_long$color,
                   blocks= FALSE,
                   ylim_offset= c(-0.05, 0.05),
                   ordering= list(NULL,order(PC_long$MCC)),
                   hide=PC_long$value < 13)

creates more space vertically so there is no border clipping.

In general in situations in which you have low-frequency stripes the clipping (also for labels of low-frequency categories next to each other) can be avoided by

epo071 commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot indeed, issue is resolved from my point of view.