mbolotov / intellij-playwright

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env: node: No such file or directory #27

Closed lavcraft closed 1 year ago

lavcraft commented 1 year ago

When run test:

/Users/$USER/.nvm/versions/node/v16.14.2/bin/npx playwright test --reporter /var/folders/9j/hwjc9f0s7nvg_fvkvzhrr4r00000gn/T/intellij-playwright-reporter921040841234507514.js src/api/api-create-conf.spec.ts -g ^(.*[\\\/])?api-create-conf.spec.ts.API: Create conference and related stuff - events, calls
env: node: No such file or directory


Node exists /Users/$USER/.nvm/versions/node/v16.14.2/bin/npx — working in console and exists. What's wrong and how to fix this?

mbolotov commented 1 year ago

this might be an IntelliJ platform problem, see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEABKL-7589 for details and workarounds.

lavcraft commented 1 year ago

Thanks, fix by run idea from terminal