mborsetti / webchanges

webchanges anonymously checks web content (including images) and commands for changes, delivering instant notifications and AI-powered summaries to your favorite platform.
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Get at the cache contents #27

Closed adamwolf closed 2 years ago

adamwolf commented 2 years ago

As i develop jobs I find myself wanting to check that my filter rules aren't too egregious. I want to make sure webchanges is seeing the content I'm looking for.

I tried the textfiles storage option, but the naming of the files is not really meant for humans :). I used some sqlite3 commands to print the cache, and that works ok, but... is this a common enough thing that it could use a CLI option?

Am I thinking about this wrong? Am i missing a better way to do this?

Thanks! webchanges seems pretty awesome.

mborsetti commented 2 years ago

Yes (I think): use --test and --test-diff. If those don't work, then I am not sure what you're trying to achieve: --test shows exactly what would be saved in the database ("seeing the content I'm looking for") and --test-diff shows you the result any filters applied to diffing, i.e. exactly what would be reported.

Another tip is to periodically run --errors to see that you're still picking up at least some content.