mborsetti / webchanges

webchanges anonymously checks web content (including images) and commands for changes, delivering instant notifications and AI-powered summaries to your favorite platform.
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[BUG] Deploy action is out of date and unmaintained #85

Closed yubiuser closed 1 month ago

yubiuser commented 1 month ago

The action you use for deployment is unmaintained since 2021. (https://github.com/actions/create-release). You should consider to switch to a maintained one (e.g. https://github.com/softprops/action-gh-release).

Currently, your workflow fail: https://github.com/mborsetti/webchanges/actions/runs/11312286058

mborsetti commented 1 month ago

Hi @yubiuser,

Thanks so much for your contribution! Yeah, I caught this, and manually pushed this release but fixed the code for future ones. And guess what ... of the various options, I also picked softprops!

Thanks so VERY much for catching this and for the recommendation!