mbotsch / mb-reveal-plugins

Mario's plugins for reveal.js
MIT License
1 stars 4 forks source link

Chartjs #7

Open ratnanil opened 1 year ago

ratnanil commented 1 year ago

Hey Mario! I see you're doing some cool stuff with revealjs, specifically with chartjs. You've also created your own plugins! What's the state of this? I'd like to include chartjs into my presentations and am looking for some cool tools.

Cheers, Nils

mbotsch commented 1 year ago

Hi Nils,

I'm still using Reveal.js for all my talks and lectures, but my pipeline for generating and presenting these slides changed.

I teamed up with some other people to develop a tool named decker, which compiles slides written in Markdown to a Reveal presentation and is also used to present these slides. It contains a couple of Reveal plugins, including one for chartjs, which is a decker-customized version of this original.

If you are interested, here is an example presentation that demonstrates what we can do (unfortunately it's in German). Here is the source code for this presentation.

Cheers, Mario

ratnanil commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for these links! These are some very cool project and awesome slides (German is not an issue, I'm from Switzerland 🇨🇭)