mbraceproject / MBrace.StarterKit

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Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configuration.dll was not found at FSharp tutorial #89

Closed vschep closed 7 years ago

vschep commented 7 years ago

I am trying to run MBrace on Azure. When executing 0-provision-azure-cluster.fsx line #load "AzureCluster.fsx" I get MBrace.Azure.fsx(14,1): error FS0084: Assembly reference 'tools/Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configuration.dll' was not found or is invalid after doing paket install.

I built MBrace.Azure on my machine and copied MBrace.Azure\packages\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ConfigurationManager\lib\net40\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configuration.dll to the directory MBrace.StarterKit\packages\MBrace.Azure\tools That solved this issue for the moment.

The next exception occurs at 1-hello-world.fsx when executing let task = cloud { return "Hello world!" } |> cluster.CreateProcess Exception: Nessos.Vagabond.VagabondException: could not locate dependency 'Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'.

I am running VS 2015 on Win7 and installed Azure SDK 2.9 and MicrosoftAzureLibsForNet-x64.msi of Azure SDK 2.7 since it's impossible to install Azure SDK 2.7 completely. The Microsoft Web Installer for Azure SDK 2.7 is broken.

I noticed that MBrace.StarterKit\HandsOnTutorial.FSharp\paket.references is empty. Is that correct? I copied all package names from paket.dependencies to paket.references, installed them and got them as references in the VS project but it didn't help either.

I would appreciate any help.

smoothdeveloper commented 7 years ago

Hello @vschep, I think paket.references is spurious because it is intended for use along *proj files but there aren't any since it is only scripts there.

Are you familiar with paket?

Could you make a project with paket.dependencies containing

source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2

nuget MBrace.Azure.Management

run paket install

and then put the same script you are working on you'll need to adjust few paths to load those:

#load @"packages/MBrace.Azure/MBrace.Azure.fsx"
#load @"packages/MBrace.Azure.Management/MBrace.Azure.Management.fsx"

I think it should load all the stuff and allow you to get going.

vschep commented 7 years ago

Downgrading MBrace.Azure.Management to 1.3 solves the issue. Change lines 10 and 11 at paket.dependencies into

nuget MBrace.Azure 1.3 nuget MBrace.Azure.Management 1.3

Thanks to @smoothdeveloper helping me to solve this problem.

eiriktsarpalis commented 7 years ago

@vschep This is a packaging issue that has been fixed in MBrace.Azure 1.4.2. Thanks for reporting.