mbrossar / ai-imu-dr

AI-IMU Dead-Reckoning
MIT License
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how to create my own dataset #59

Open kahowang opened 3 years ago

kahowang commented 3 years ago

Could you please give me some pointers as to how to prepare your own data (stored in a bag file for instance) in the KITTI format ? Other than the IMU topic what other information or topics should the bag contain ?

scott81321 commented 2 years ago

Hello kahowang, did you ever get a dataset to work on Brossard's program?

kahowang commented 2 years ago

Hello kahowang, did you ever get a dataset to work on Brossard's program?

yes, i had work on this program through the kitti dataset

bshmid commented 2 years ago

Hello @scott81321 ! Did you manage to work out a way to run this program with

only one set of 3D IMU accel + gyro data ?

I'm battling with same problem now, was happy to not be all alone.

bshmid commented 2 years ago

Hello @scott81321 Thanks for your quick response Obviously I've got much less understanding in @mbrossar's code than you however it seams to be that he is only dealing with 2D, well matching the 2 dimentions (E and N) and leaving out the therd one. As far as datasets being concerned, I was wondering if you can possibly enlighten to me how to feed my '3D IMU accel + gyro' outputs to the program

scott81321 commented 2 years ago

Don't you mean "inputs" to the program? The program can handle its outputs. Anyway, the inputs are Brossard's particular pickle datasets i.e. files with type .p only understood in python.

bshmid commented 2 years ago

Exactly! I meant to ask how to shape out my IMU's outputs to pickle them to be just as good inputs as @mbrossar's ones (Pickling procces is not a problem, just to get them formed right to pickle)

bshmid commented 2 years ago

Hello @scott81321 Sorry for bothering you so much May be you can just let me know how to contact Martin Brossard so I can ask him all the questions myself, at the end of the day a program is not worth much if it can work with preset ammount of datasets only. Appreciate your input.

scott81321 commented 2 years ago

His email is provided by his Github site ie. martin.brossard@mines-paristech.fr I have to warn you though that he has left University since he graduated and now works in the private sector. Thus, you would be very lucky to get a response.

ajay1606 commented 2 years ago

Hello @scott81321, Thanks for highlighting this important issue here. Currently, i also tested with the code provided sample data in the .p (pickle format) and everything works fine.

Would like to know any progress regarding input IMU data through bag file instead .p format! Are you able to figure it out?

Appreciate any response.
