Please note that there is no actual change in the MBTA GTFS file associated with this pull request, merely updates to the documentation. The changes referenced for the calendar_attributes.txt and route_patterns.txt have already taken effect in previous months.
In calendar_attributes.txt, updates to note that rating_description is included for all services, including on Ferry.
In route_patterns.txt, updates possible forms of route_pattern_name and removes the constraint on Commuter Rail routes having limited route patterns.
In stops.txt, clarifies expected values for on_street and at_street.
Please note that there is no actual change in the MBTA GTFS file associated with this pull request, merely updates to the documentation. The changes referenced for the calendar_attributes.txt and route_patterns.txt have already taken effect in previous months.
is included for all services, including on Ferry.route_pattern_name
and removes the constraint on Commuter Rail routes having limited route patterns.on_street