mbucchia / VirtualDesktop-OpenXR

An implementation of the OpenXR standard for Virtual Desktop
MIT License
209 stars 7 forks source link

Works fine in VD 1.29.0 !!! #3

Closed huliqan closed 8 months ago

huliqan commented 8 months ago

Thanks a lot!!! I asked Guy for a long time, but I got it from you :) I checked it in all games with OpenXR and it works fine everywhere without steamVR! Pico4 5.8.2 + VD 1.29.0 True, it’s not OpenXR that says in the info panel, but Oculus :))) Screenshot_VirtualDesktop Android_2023 10 13-22 39 09 276_204

mbucchia commented 8 months ago


No one ever said It didn't work with 1.29.0 though.

huliqan commented 8 months ago

I thought we needed beta 1.29.1 :)