mbutterick / pollen-users

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Importing text from other sources #121

Open Boarders opened 2 years ago

Boarders commented 2 years ago


I am exploring whether pollen would be a good fit for a project and so wanted to know how easy it will be to import text from other files. In my particular use-case I am interested in incorporating literate agda or Haskell files in a larger pollen project and wondering how feasible that will be?

Thank you!

mbutterick commented 2 years ago
#lang pollen

Decide for yourself whether this is easy:

◊(require racket/file)
◊(file->string "your_file.xyz")
Boarders commented 2 years ago

Excellent, I think this will work perfectly and even better I will be able to parse the code blocks and literate blocks to then be able to customize them from the pollen side. Thanks very much for the quick answer, I think I was simply not remembering that pollen has a whole programming language with it :)

Excited to try a project with pollen!