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Having a hard time with maps #123

Closed jaybonthius closed 2 years ago

jaybonthius commented 2 years ago

I have a list of hashes called hash_list.

      (video . "path/to/example_0000.mp4")
      (video . "path/to/example_0001.mp4") 

I want to iterate through hash_list and generate a <video src="path/to/my/file.mp4" > for each "video" key.

<video src="path/to/example_0000.mp4"></video>
<video src="path/to/example_0001.mp4"></video>

Here's my attempt:

(define (video_env . text)
    `(video [[src ,text]])

(map (λ (hash)
    (video_env (hash-iterate-value hash 0)) )

I'm getting a decode-elements: contract violation error, where it expects txexpr-elements?, and in the given, I see

... ((video ((src ("path/to/example_0000.mp4")))) (video ((src ("path/to/example_0001.mp4"))))) ...

I might be wrong, but I think decode-elements would be happy if it was given this:

... ((video ((src ("path/to/example_0000.mp4"))))) ((video ((src ("path/to/example_0001.mp4"))))) ...

Regardless, I'm not sure how to fix this. Would anyone mind pointing me in the right direction? Thanks!

sorawee commented 2 years ago


I have a list of hashes called hash_list.

Note that the code that you wrote has missing parens, and is not a list of hashes. The list of hashes probably should be:

'(#hasheq((video . "path/to/example_0000.mp4"))
  #hasheq((video . "path/to/example_0001.mp4")))

Here's my attempt:

There are two possible mistakes here.

  1. Notice that in the output, you have (video [[src ("path/to/example_0000.mp4")]]). This doesn't make sense, because the attribute src should be associated with a string value, not a list of strings.

    The fix could be done by changing video-env to consume exactly one argument instead of making it consume variadic arguments. That is, you would need to make a definition like this instead:

    (define (video-env text)
     `(video [[src ,text]]))

    (Notice the absence of dot. Also, people usually use - instead of _ in names)

  2. Notice that in the output, you have ((video ...) (video ...)). This again doesn't make sense, because the body of the document should not be a list of elements. There are several ways to fix this. One possibility is:

    (apply @ (map .......))

So, your final code might look like this:

;; test.html.pm
#lang pollen

◊(define hash-list
  '(#hasheq((video . "path/to/example_0000.mp4"))
    #hasheq((video . "path/to/example_0001.mp4"))))

◊(define (video-env text)
  `(video [[src ,text]]))

◊(define (root . xs)
   (apply @ (map (λ (hash) (video-env (hash-ref hash 'video))) hash-list)))

which produces test.html after raco pollen render test.html.pm

  <head><meta charset="UTF-8"/></head>
    <video src="path/to/example_0000.mp4"></video>
    <video src="path/to/example_0001.mp4"></video>
jaybonthius commented 2 years ago

@sorawee That did the trick! Thank you so much for pointing out both errors and putting me on the right path. I'm beaming 😄

I dropped some parens in the hash lists when I wrote the question. Whoops!

mbutterick commented 2 years ago


So if you wished, you could simplify this example like so:

;; test2.html.pm
#lang pollen

◊(define videos

◊(for/splice ([v videos])
  (video #:src v))
jaybonthius commented 2 years ago

@mbutterick My hash table comes from parsing a .json with multiple values per record, which isn't obvious from my oversimplified example. Sorry about that. But your points on default-tag-function and for/splice are taken! And thanks for giving an example, I appreciate it.