I wanted to share a zine I made with pollen, that would not have been possible without all the incredible tips shared here in pollen-users. If this is too off-topic for this list I can remove it, but if not , here you go! https://solarpunk.cool/zines/map-is-the-territory
I wanted to share a zine I made with pollen, that would not have been possible without all the incredible tips shared here in
. If this is too off-topic for this list I can remove it, but if not , here you go! https://solarpunk.cool/zines/map-is-the-territoryThe source code for the zine can be found here: https://gitlab.com/cool-zines/the-map-is-the-territory/-/tree/master
I am v. grateful for the language and this community. Pollen is incredibly cool.
(Also: if there's any glaring improvements you can see in my pollen.rkt, I'm keen to know them!)