mbutterick / pollen-users

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Call for submissions & participation in Racketfest 2021 Amateur Night #90

Open jessealama opened 3 years ago

jessealama commented 3 years ago

         The Racketfest Organizers
          Are Pleased to Announce
           the Next Racketfest in


           A Chance to Show Your Skills,
          Hidden Talents, and New Work in
          the Racket Programming Language
         & Mingle with Your Fellow

All Pollen fans are welcome to submit a lightning talk, poster, or artwork to the upcoming Racketfest, to be held online in Gather in two parts on March 26 and 27, 2021. This year, Racketfest is eschewing traditional talks in favor of an "amateur night", where the emphasis will be on shorter ("lightning") talks. Show off your latest Pollen projects, a macro that gets the job done, some under-appreciated Racket package (not necessarily your own!), a DrRacket pro tip...anything is welcome. Contact the organizer, Jesse Alama (organizers@racketfest.com), to submit something.

(It doesn't have to be necessarily about Pollen. Anything having to do with Racket is welcome.)

More details are at the Racketfest homepage. Register here.

mbutterick commented 3 years ago

For those of you who don’t know him, Jesse is an avid Racketeer: creator of the Riposte language, author of Server: Racket and Language-Oriented Programming with Racket: a Cultural Anthropology, and organizer of previous Racketfest events.