mbutterick / pollen-users

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Pollen Documentation Moved? #92

Closed umj95 closed 3 years ago

umj95 commented 3 years ago

My apologies if this is not the right forum to post this question, but could it be that the pollen documentation has moved/is down? I just started a few days ago to work through the tutorials but since yesterday (I think) I cannot reach the site any more (via https://docs.racket-lang.org/pollen), it always gives me this cryptic error message: "Page Not Found ((uncaught-exception-handler) (*(+(*)(*(+(*)(*)(*)(*)(*))(+(*)(*)(*)(*)(*))(+(*)(*)(*)(*))))(+(*)(*)(*)(*)))) uncaught exception: 404". Curiously, pollen is also no longer listed on the Racket Documentation front page (where I think I found it previously), the only pollen related thing there is pollen-count. Has the page been moved somewhere and I am just too stupid to find it? Or is it just temporarily gone due to some error? Again, I am sorry if I missed the obvious or used the wrong forum, but has anyone got an idea as to what might have happened? Thank you so much in advance!

sorawee commented 3 years ago

This occurs because of https://github.com/stamourv/sexp-diff/pull/9. However, it looks like the issue will be resolved once the package server picks up a configuration change of sexp-diff. It's likely that Pollen will be automatically rebuilt, but if it is not rebuilt, @mbutterick would need to trigger it manually.

mbutterick commented 3 years ago

The documentation is installed locally. Try raco docs pollen at the command line, or in DrRacket, Help > Racket Documentation

umj95 commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for the quick replies! In my panic I completely forgot that there is also local documentation – I guess it tells you something about how much pollen got me hooked... Anyways, glad to hear that it is just a temporary glitch, and the local docs work perfectly fine.