mbutterick / typesetting

document-layout tools [mirror of https://git.matthewbutterick.com/mbutterick/typesetting]
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GH actions for top level #2

Closed mbutterick closed 2 years ago

mbutterick commented 2 years ago

That triggers the actions in subdirs.

mbutterick commented 2 years ago

As of today, GH workflows can only live in the top-level .github/workflows directory. They cannot live in subdirectories. Thus there is no way to use a top-level workflow to trigger workflows in subdirectories (because they are not allowed to live there).


  1. I renamed the per-project workflows.
  2. I set the working-directory within each (to cause the action to be executed using the appropriate subdirectory as working directory), and
  3. I moved them into the top-level .github/workflows directory.

The workflows can probably be simplified further (e.g., consolidated into fewer). For now, however, we are 🤘