mbzuai-oryx / Video-ChatGPT

[ACL 2024 🔥] Video-ChatGPT is a video conversation model capable of generating meaningful conversation about videos. It combines the capabilities of LLMs with a pretrained visual encoder adapted for spatiotemporal video representation. We also introduce a rigorous 'Quantitative Evaluation Benchmarking' for video-based conversational models.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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During the demo, sometimes an exception occurs #18

Closed willzli closed 1 year ago

willzli commented 1 year ago

2023-06-27 05:01:51 | ERROR | stderr | File "/home/lizheng/software/miniconda3/envs/video_chatgpt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anyio/_backends/_asyncio.py", line 807, in run 2023-06-27 05:01:51 | ERROR | stderr | result = context.run(func, *args) 2023-06-27 05:01:51 | ERROR | stderr | File "/home/lizheng/software/miniconda3/envs/video_chatgpt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/utils.py", line 549, in async_iteration 2023-06-27 05:01:51 | ERROR | stderr | return next(iterator) 2023-06-27 05:01:51 | ERROR | stderr | File "/home/lizheng/project/Video-ChatGPT/video_chatgpt/demo/chat.py", line 105, in answer 2023-06-27 05:01:51 | ERROR | stderr | image_tensor = img_list[0] 2023-06-27 05:01:51 | ERROR | stderr | IndexError: list index out of range

hanoonaR commented 1 year ago

Hi @willzli

Thank you for your interest in our work. This error occurs when the video have not been uploaded. As the note in the demo mentions, Please make sure you press the 'Upload Video' button before submitting a question. This is the case either you upload your own video or choose a video from the samples provided.

Please let me know if the issue persists. Thank you.

ElhamAhmedian commented 1 month ago

2024-06-04 15:56:30 | ERROR | stderr | warnings.warn( 2024-06-04 15:56:30 | INFO | stdout | Running on local URL: 2024-06-04 15:56:30 | INFO | stdout | 2024-06-04 15:56:30 | INFO | stdout | To create a public link, set share=True in launch(). 2024-06-04 15:59:43 | INFO | gradio_web_server | load_demo.. params: {} 2024-06-04 16:00:02 | INFO | gradio_web_server | add_text. ip:. len: 69 2024-06-04 16:00:05 | ERROR | stderr | /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/transformers/generation/utils.py:1211: UserWarning: You have modified the pretrained model configuration to control generation. This is a deprecated strategy to control generation and will be removed soon, in a future version. Please use a generation configuration file (see https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main_classes/text_generation) 2024-06-04 16:00:05 | ERROR | stderr | warnings.warn( 2024-06-04 16:00:46 | INFO | gradio_web_server | add_text. ip:. len: 9 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/routes.py", line 394, in run_predict 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | output = await app.get_blocks().process_api( 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/blocks.py", line 1075, in process_api 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | result = await self.call_function( 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/blocks.py", line 898, in call_function 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | prediction = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync( 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anyio/to_thread.py", line 56, in run_sync 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | return await get_async_backend().run_sync_in_worker_thread( 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anyio/_backends/_asyncio.py", line 2177, in run_sync_in_worker_thread 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | return await future 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anyio/_backends/_asyncio.py", line 859, in run 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | result = context.run(func, *args) 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/utils.py", line 549, in async_iteration 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | return next(iterator) 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | File "/RAG/Video-ChatGPT/video_chatgpt/demo/chat.py", line 135, in answer 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | state.messages[-1][-1] += character 2024-06-04 16:01:03 | ERROR | stderr | TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'NoneType' and 'str'