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UHC Data Pack #24

Open Rover12782 opened 3 years ago

Rover12782 commented 3 years ago

Project Page:

Rover12782 commented 3 years ago

Any issues please to get in contact with me. If I don't respond on here I can easily be reached on Discord my username is Rover#1282

UltroGhast commented 3 years ago

Hi Rover! Sorry for the long wait, but here we are. I saw the commitment for the datapack. ❌Certified Datapack ❌Stamp of Quality Don't worry, the stamp of quality doesn't mean what it should. It's just a thing about some useless but nice conventions you can choose to follow.

If you want your datapack certified, you need to follow all Tier 3 Conventions. If you want the Stamp of Quality, you need to follow Tier 3 Conventions and also Style Guideline conventions. Find out them here

Where did you go wrong?

Tier 3 Conventions

✖️Shulker Box Loot Table (you don't need to implement it) ✖️Custom Model Data (you don't need to implement it) ✔️Namespace Convention (you followed it properly) ❌Global Ignoring Tags 1) global.ignore tag isn't implemented anymore on @a selectors. Also, global.ignore.gui tag isn't applied anymore for /tellraw,/particle and /playsound. Check the Convention Site 2) You don't need tag=!global.ignore args if you are checking for entities with specific tag. Example: execute at @e[tag=uhc.replace.gravel,tag=!global.ignore] run summon minecraft:item ~ ~0.0001 ~ {Item:{id:"minecraft:flint",Count:1}} Since you are checking only for entities with uhc.replace.gravel tag, you don't need to check if they have the global.ignore tag or not. Same for all global.ignore tags. But remember you can add tags only to entities without global.ignore tag (for players it doesn't matter). I see you are doing that.

Tier 2 Conventions

✖️Common Traits (you don't need to implement it)

Tier 1 Conventions

✖️Global Durability (you don't need to implement it) ✔️Datapack Advancement Pls don't call the datapacker advancement creatorinfo.json. It is a big problem for compatibility. Call it with your name. But nothing says you can't in the official conventions. ✔️Uninstall Function I also suggest you to put a datapack disable command in the uninstall function and don't place the function (and anything else) under the minecraft namespace. But, second time, logic and conventions do not mix well. So you don't need to update anything about the uninstall convention or the functions under minecraft namespace.

I ask you to follow also the suggestions I personally gave you, if you really love compatibility. Anyway, this datapack isn't meant to be used with other datapacks together, so compatibility isn't a priority.

Have a good working day and have a good update! Let me know here when you update the datapack.

Rover12782 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into your suggestions and see what I can do. Will add another comment on this page when I've released the update.