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Brewing stands keeps fuel #31

Closed mainrs closed 3 years ago

mainrs commented 3 years ago

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UltroGhast commented 3 years ago

Brewing stands keeps fuel by SirWindfield ✔️Certified Datapack ✔️Stamp of Quality

✅You can now use Certified Datapack+Stamp of Quality Banner in the datapack description/wiki/download page etc.

-I suggest you to check the limit=1 in the only @e selector inside tick.mcfunction and test if it works also if more than one brewing stands are dropped in different places. I'm not sure it will work, but it could -Placing a sign in ~ 255 ~ is a good way, but also could place it in a different and far chunk, like 829999 0 829999 (this is where I place barrels or shulker box for inventory manipulation, signs for special text etc. but 82 is my number). It could be a problem for optimization, since you need to /forceload the chunk in the load function, but you will not destroy a block of the probable skyscraper the player built.

Nice and useful datapacks, like the others. 😉 Bye!