mc-datapacks / review-tracker

Datapack Review tracker
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TSFMobs #61

Open TSFlareon opened 3 years ago

TSFlareon commented 3 years ago

Project Page:

oOBoomberOo commented 3 years ago

This datapack cannot pass the review because the required library that it used did not follow the official convention.

As the error is very repetitive, I will list the common one instead of everything but keep in mind that you need to do the same thing for other files.

error[compatibility]: namespace violation
 --> /data/flame/functions/install.mcfunction
1 | scoreboard objectives add Data dummy
  |                           ^^^^ too generic
  = The scoreboard `Data` is not namespaced which violated the namespace convention.
  = help: rename the scoreboard with a prefix that is unique to you
          such as `tfs.Data`
error[compatibility]: global ignoring tag violation
 --> /data/flame/functions/tick.mcfunction
4 | execute as @e[type=item,nbt=!{Item:{id:"minecraft:enchanted_book"}}] at @s if block ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:anvil if entity @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{id:"minecraft:enchanted_book"}},distance=0..1] run function flame:enchant
  |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |                 this selector includes entities that should be ignore                                                       this selector includes entities that should be ignore
5 | execute as @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{id:"minecraft:book"}}] at @s if block ~ ~ ~ minecraft:enchanting_table if entity @p[level=10..] run function flame:get_book
  |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |                 this selector includes entities that should be ignore
  = These entity selectors should ignore entities with tag `global.ignore`
  = help: change all occurences of `@e[type=item, ...]` to `@e[type=item, tag=!global.ignore, ...]`
error[compatibility]: namespace violation
 --> /data/flame/functions/get_book.mcfunction
3 | tag @e[limit=1,tag=NewEnchant,tag=!found,sort=random] add found
  |                    ^^^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^
  |                            too generic
  = The tag `NewEnchant` and `found` are not namespaced which violated the namespace convention.
  = help: rename the tag with a prefix that is unique to you
          such as `tfs.NewEnchant` and `tfs.found`

note[suggestion]: reduce redundant check
3 | tag @e[limit=1,tag=NewEnchant,tag=!found,sort=random] add found
  |                                    ^^^^^                  ^^^^^
  |                      redundant tag check                   tag `found` got added here
  = The check `tag=!found` is redundant as the resulting entity will always have the tag `found` regardless of this check
  = help: remove the redundant check `tag=!found`

As the root of the issue comes from the Flame library, #60 will also be affected as it required the same library.