Sonarqube has deprecated the previous Bug, Vulnerability, and Code Smell rule types, instead replacing them with Software Quality attributes and a potential rating against multiple attributes for a single rule. As the rule types were only being used to report individual issues in the Gitlab and Azure decorators, and for creating the overall summary message to match what was previously shown on the Pull Request's overview within Sonarqube, the types have been removed from all decoration. Where summary messages are used in a decorator they now show equivalent information as is shown on the Pull Request overview page in Sonarqube - New issues, accepted issues, resolved issues, coverage, duplications, and security hotspot metrics, plus any failed quality gate conditions. Where the issue rating is reported in decoration, the highest rating across all the Software Qualities assigned to a rule is used in the new setup. The individual issues posted on Gitlab and Azure decorations have been simplified to only contain the message from the finding and the link to view the finding in Sonarqube, rather than including attributes about resolution time and issue type which are unlikely to have been useful to most users.
Sonarqube has deprecated the previous Bug, Vulnerability, and Code Smell rule types, instead replacing them with Software Quality attributes and a potential rating against multiple attributes for a single rule. As the rule types were only being used to report individual issues in the Gitlab and Azure decorators, and for creating the overall summary message to match what was previously shown on the Pull Request's overview within Sonarqube, the types have been removed from all decoration. Where summary messages are used in a decorator they now show equivalent information as is shown on the Pull Request overview page in Sonarqube - New issues, accepted issues, resolved issues, coverage, duplications, and security hotspot metrics, plus any failed quality gate conditions. Where the issue rating is reported in decoration, the highest rating across all the Software Qualities assigned to a rule is used in the new setup. The individual issues posted on Gitlab and Azure decorations have been simplified to only contain the message from the finding and the link to view the finding in Sonarqube, rather than including attributes about resolution time and issue type which are unlikely to have been useful to most users.