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mcMMO Classic.
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MCMMO not working on 1.13.2 #2

Closed matt2897 closed 5 years ago

Remski01 commented 5 years ago

Please provide some logs, and what you did try, as we use it on 1.13.2 whitout any issue so far.

TheBentoBox commented 5 years ago

I'm also not having any issues on 1.13.2. An empty bug report really isn't helpful.

matt2897 commented 5 years ago

Sorry I thought it had pasted in logs 06.01 00:23:13 [Multicraft] ran command: mcmmo 06.01 00:23:13 [Server] WARN Unexpected exception while parsing console command "mcmmo" 06.01 00:23:13 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Cannot execute command 'mcmmo' in plugin mcMMO v1.6.0 - plugin is disabled. 06.01 00:23:13 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 00:23:13 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 00:23:13 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 00:23:13 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand( [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 00:23:13 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.DedicatedServer.handleCommandQueue( [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 00:23:13 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.DedicatedServer.b( [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 00:23:13 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.MinecraftServer.a( [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 00:23:13 [Server] INFO at [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 00:23:13 [Server] INFO at [?:1.8.0_191]

nossr50 commented 5 years ago

looks like mcMMO got disabled, when you start your server is there any error messages from mcMMO about a bad config file?

matt2897 commented 5 years ago

06.01 13:32:01 [Server] INFO [mcMMO] Enabling mcMMO v1.6.0 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_SWORD 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_PICKAXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_AXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_HOE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: INK_SACK_BLUE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: STONE_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_SWORD 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_PICKAXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_AXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_HOE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_BOOTS 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_HELMET 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_LEGGINGS 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_CHESTPLATE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: IRON_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: DIAMOND_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RECORD_3 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RECORD_4 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RECORD_5 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RECORD_6 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RECORD_7 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RECORD_8 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RECORD_9 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RECORD_10 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RECORD_11 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RECORD_12 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WATCH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WEB 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_RECORD 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GREEN_RECORD 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: INK_SACK_BROWN 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: INK_SACK_BROWN 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: CARROT_ITEM 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: POTATO_ITEM 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: SKULL_ITEM 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: SKULL_ITEM 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: SKULL_ITEM 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: SKULL_ITEM 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WEB 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: PORK 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOL 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RAW_BEEF 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RAW_CHICKEN 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: INK_SACK_BLACK 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: MUSHROOM_SOUP 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RAW_BEEF 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: SNOW_BALL 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: RED_ROSE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: SKULL_ITEM 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Skills.Taming.Call_Of_The_Wild.Ocelot.Item_Material is invalid!! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors were found in config.yml! mcMMO was disabled! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO [mcMMO] Disabling mcMMO v1.6.0 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] ERROR Error occurred while disabling mcMMO v1.6.0 (Is it up to date?) 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at ~[?:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at ~[spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin( [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [mcMMO.jar:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugin( [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins( [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.DedicatedServer.init( [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [spigot-1.13.2.jar:git-Spigot-518206a-c4a67ee] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at [?:1.8.0_191] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at ~[?:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at ~[?:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at ~[?:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at ~[?:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at ~[?:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at ~[?:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at ~[?:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO at ~[?:?] 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] INFO ... 27 more 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: NETHER_STALK 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SPECKLED_MELON 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: NETHER_STALK 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SPECKLED_MELON 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: CARROT_ITEM 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: RAW_FISH:3 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SPECKLED_MELON 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: INK_SACK 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: LONG_GRASS:2 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Absorption: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Blindness: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Decay: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Dullness: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Haste: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Health Boost: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Hunger: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Nausea: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Resistance: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Saturation: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Absorption Extended: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Blindness Extended: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Decay Extended: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Dullness Extended: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Haste Extended: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Health Boost Extended: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Hunger Extended: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Nausea Extended: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Resistance Extended: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Saturation Extended: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Absorption II: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Blindness II: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Decay II: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Dullness II: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Haste II: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Health Boost II: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Hunger II: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Nausea II: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Resistance II: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Potion Of Saturation II: SULPHUR 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SPECKLED_MELON 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: NETHER_STALK 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: RAW_FISH:3 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: INK_SACK 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: LONG_GRASS:2 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: CARROT_ITEM 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SPECKLED_MELON 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Absorption: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Blindness: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Decay: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Dullness: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Haste: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Health Boost: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Hunger: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Nausea: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Resistance: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Saturation: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Absorption Extended: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Blindness Extended: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Decay Extended: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Dullness Extended: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Haste Extended: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Health Boost Extended: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Hunger Extended: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Nausea Extended: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Resistance Extended: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Saturation Extended: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Absorption II: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Blindness II: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Decay II: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Dullness II: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Haste II: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Health Boost II: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Hunger II: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Nausea II: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Resistance II: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion Splash Potion Of Saturation II: DRAGONS_BREATH 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: NETHER_STALK 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SPECKLED_MELON 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: CARROT_ITEM 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: RAW_FISH:3 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: SPECKLED_MELON 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: LONG_GRASS:2 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Failed to parse child for potion null: INK_SACK 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_SWORD 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] WOOD_SWORD has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of WOOD_SWORD must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] WOOD_SPADE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of WOOD_SPADE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_PICKAXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] WOOD_PICKAXE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of WOOD_PICKAXE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_AXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] WOOD_AXE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of WOOD_AXE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_HOE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] WOOD_HOE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of WOOD_HOE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: STONE_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] STONE_SPADE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of STONE_SPADE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: IRON_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] IRON_SPADE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of IRON_SPADE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_SWORD 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_SWORD has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of GOLD_SWORD must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_SPADE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of GOLD_SPADE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_PICKAXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_PICKAXE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of GOLD_PICKAXE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_AXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_AXE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of GOLD_AXE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_HOE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_HOE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of GOLD_HOE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_HELMET 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_HELMET has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of GOLD_HELMET must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_CHESTPLATE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_CHESTPLATE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of GOLD_CHESTPLATE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_LEGGINGS 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_LEGGINGS has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of GOLD_LEGGINGS must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_BOOTS 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_BOOTS has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of GOLD_BOOTS must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: DIAMOND_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] DIAMOND_SPADE has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of DIAMOND_SPADE must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: CARROT_STICK 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] CARROT_STICK has an invalid repair material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Maximum durability of CARROT_STICK must be greater than 0! 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_SWORD 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] WOOD_SWORD has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] WOOD_SPADE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_PICKAXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] WOOD_PICKAXE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_AXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] WOOD_AXE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: WOOD_HOE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] WOOD_HOE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: STONE_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] STONE_SPADE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: IRON_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] IRON_SPADE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_SWORD 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_SWORD has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_SPADE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_PICKAXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_PICKAXE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_AXE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_AXE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_HOE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_HOE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_HELMET 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_HELMET has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_CHESTPLATE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_CHESTPLATE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_LEGGINGS 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_LEGGINGS has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: GOLD_BOOTS 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] GOLD_BOOTS has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: DIAMOND_SPADE 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] DIAMOND_SPADE has an invalid salvage material: null 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Errors have been found in: salvage.vanilla.yml 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] The following issues were found: 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] Invalid material: CARROT_STICK 06.01 13:32:02 [Server] WARN [mcMMO] CARROT_STICK has an invalid salvage material: null

nossr50 commented 5 years ago

@matt2897 if you delete the files ending in .yml in /plugins/mcMMO this is a quick fix to your problem, make a backup before doing so.