mcMMO-Dev / mcMMO-Classic

mcMMO Classic.
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Mcmmo Not Working on 1.16.2 #83

Open ChikkieNuggie opened 4 years ago

ChikkieNuggie commented 4 years ago

I recently started a 1.16.2 server with friends and tried adding in mcMMO. I managed to add it to my plugin lists via FTP and have a few commands in game. However no one can gain exp or see their stats, its almost like we dont have the whole plugin. When /plugins is used, mcMMO shows up in green, so the plugin should be working. I'm not sure what to do/how to fix it.

I belive the problem is with: 19.11 19:12:19 [Server] Server thread/ERROR Cannot read /plugins/mcMMO/config.yml(File Permissions?) 19.11 19:12:19 [Server] Server thread/ERROR Cannot read /plugins/mcMMO/experience.yml(File Permissions?) 19.11 19:12:19 [Server] Server thread/ERROR Cannot read /plugins/mcMMO/treasures.yml(File Permissions?) 19.11 19:12:19 [Server] Server thread/ERROR Cannot read /plugins/mcMMO/advanced.yml(File Permissions?) 19.11 19:12:19 [Server] Server thread/ERROR Cannot read /plugins/mcMMO/repair.vanilla.yml(File Permissions?)

However using FileZilla (the FTP), I dont know how to give those files permissions as the mcMMO file is a .jar. Also looking at other people's problems, some had issues with .yml files that needed to be deleted. However, that seems quite counterproductive as those files listed above seem to be quite important.

Edit: I realize that the files dont have the proper permissions, however when I try and give them the proper permissions, I get an error: Response 550: not enough privileges.

Any help would fixing the permission problem would be greatly appreciated.

cursefroge commented 4 years ago

That means probably that the server dosen’t have access to the file