Open mrfloris opened 3 years ago
Another suggestion: There's now a compost feature that works with villagers and herbalism/farming. It would be nice if that could get utilised as well. For example: the higher your herbalism, the better chance the things you compost will be worth, hooking into the treasure features. Maybe a great way to have a low chance of getting an enchanted gold apple (which Mojang has removed now as a craftable item)
Friendly 7 month bump.
Hey there mcMMO developer(s), welcome to 2021, we're ready for a modern mcMMO Overhaul of skills, and this is an example of some things that we've been asking for in the last decade and what our players have been hoping for to see in the mcMMO plugin for the skill: Herbalism, or a new Farmers skill.
Minecraft has grown over the last decade and we're no longer in 1.6, we're on 1.16, meaning there's ten years of new stuff that has been added that has also changed the gameplay, wishes, and desire to do more. mcMMO is one of those plugins that can offer this and take the gameplay on servers to the next level.
This is our internal list of wishes, a consensus between players, server owners, etc. Please read it for consideration and see what could be added 'now', or after 2.2. We truly hope this doesn't end up in the archive void of the Internet. We're very excited after two years of development of mcMMO 2.x to see it come to fruition and introduce new skills, skill-revamps, features, become dynamic, etc.
Note, this is at the very least an example of where there is still room for new skills, skill-revamps in mcMMO (mining, new weapons, new feature support, etc) to make it a 1.16 version rather than being stuck in the 1.6 era.
Thank you for this plugin, and for considering these improvements to make it still run to use mcMMO for old and new gamers to the game.
mcMMO Herbalism 'super ability' perk requests
Request: Can we please get one or more of these Herbalism skill updates, improvements, features, options, or have a new Farmers skill of sorts as a child skill to Herbalism that does the following:
Using the herbalism tool (hoe) does not break crops that aren't fully grown when we have right-clicked and triggered the super ability for harvesting our crops.
Using a hoe of a certain type on animals uses a farming perk when unlocked, helping it breed, restore health, kill it with custom drops (or lets us kill them but with a chance it respawns as a baby)
When harvesting crops with a certain hoe (like a netherite hoe) will try to auto grow nearby crops that aren't fully grown yet. Instead of just the one we're hitting. Keeping our farm field alive and active.
Farmers Slam perk - Using a herbalism tool could harvest grown crops within a range with a 'burst' like a 'Farmer's slam!'. Wood and Stone have a range of 2, Iron and Gold a range of 2 and Diamond and Netherite a range of 3. It could have multiple levels based on your herbalism or farmers level. Level 1 would have triple the durability on the tool you're using. Level 2 50% less, Level 3 80% less. - but still more than normal, so we 'pay' for slamming the ground)
mcMMO Mending (II) ability on hoe could increase a drop chance of exp when harvesting, which could help mending armor in inventory vanilla style and/or item in offhand. Even if this is just a little bit. But provokes players to harvest more using the right tool. Players with a higher level will then don't just benefit from a higher replanting, etc.
Farmland Hydration perk - just like seeds on bricks to make mossy, let us use seeds or water buckets from our inventory on wooden hoe or netherite hoe for example on dry farmland to hydrate it. Vanilla can still take over after and dry it out, but it helps as a perk for those players who have water nearby or in hardcore where there's no way to get water, to keep hitting it to keep it wet farmland.
Farmland Trampling perk - on servers where trampling isn't turned off with a rule or worldguard protection etc, so running and jumping would break it: if you have your mcMMO hoe perk activated, it won't break it. This way we can still run in farms during right-click super ability activation and harvest, and not worry about breaking where we walk. During that time it could replant to first-stage crop growth. And yes, that's different than auto replant. you can harvest in front of you, but that still breaks where you walk. This perk helps you 'fix' the trampling you cause (at least a little through % chance)
Farmland Fertilising perk (bonemeal) - high enough herbalism should allow us to grow +1 extra where we hit, and grow nearby crops. Kind of the opposite of the farmer slam that i've mentioned earlier. (level 1)
Farmland Fertilising perk 2 - using this with a gold hoe for example or whatever implementation, or even bonemeal, could yield a chance of instant grown crop of any type. Maybe even the ones nearby. This can be low, but it will still be faster/higher than vanilla. This isn't about growing +1 but yields a % of instant grow. (level 2)
Farmers Craft perk - the ability to use "/herbalism craft" as a toggle to turn on/off certain auto crafting features. If you have wood planks or bowls and you get beets, you could say every 16 crafts it automatically into beet soup. Or full stacks of wheat could craft with chance of bread and hay bales. This would also help clear out the inventory slightly while farming. Making it a fun perk to turn on when your herbalism is high enough and are farming for the sake of food creation, haybale collecting, etc. (kinda how flux mining auto smelts) (also, mining craft toggle to auto craft items into blocks would be awesome as well)
Farmers Schematics - The ability to exchange your herbalism levels or some other payment method to place a special item where the center of a farm should be. For example a chain that mcMMO gives and can be used once. That when placed on dirt/grass with nothing but dirt around it. will spawn farmland and plant random seeds on it, and water below the spot in the center. Using the items in the inventory. This could be a worldedit schematic (could easily have 3 default ones included) to help builders who reached enough high levels or a cap and just want to do something extra while building and benefit their earned perks.
Farmer/herbalism Commands - the ability to run a command when they reach level 100, 250, 500, 1000. 5000...
Farmers Trade perk - The option for people with a really high level of herbalism to use the farmers trade to exchange their mcmmo herbalism levels with a 3:1 ratio to some other mcmmo level. For example /herbalism trade 6 mining, would remove 6 herbalism levels and give the player 2 mining levels. Or whatever the logical approach is here.
Farmers Barn perk - The ability to recognize you're nearby your farm, nearby your animal farm, and based on your level there's a chance as you use your hoe to do herbalism that the nearby animals breed, or if you have an empty bucket on you that you get milk from the cow, or mushroom soup from the mushroom cow if you have a bowl in the inventory. This could easily be with a delay and done After the herbalism perk expired.
Farmers Garden perk - The ability based on high level that there's a % chance that using bonemeal on the ground while you have your 'super ability' on (that you normally use to harvest crops and get your replants) that now gives you that time to bonemeal the ground to get chance of it planting flowers. And then a 2nd level of this, that unlocks you to do this underwater for coral, kelp, sea grass etc. This gives you florist bonemeal perk and an aquatic bonemeal perk.
Herbalism automation feature(s) such as these:
Herbalism Items - The ability to drop a very rare fertilizer item (like a glowing glowstone dust called Fert level 1 2 3 ..) that we can hit the ground with and mcMMO finds soil and sees nearby are mainly carrots or pumpkins or melons etc and plants those seeds for us. With or without having the items in our inventory. This could spark particles, and we see the ground grow these things to their planted, first or second stage. Hitting it again could grow existing placed crops like I've mentioned earlier, but now through this item. This makes hoarding these items for exp events worth it, and increases player retention and economy on a server as players might work together to try and collect these, etc. Sand nearby? Maybe place cactus and sugarcane. Are we underwater? Maybe place some seagrass and kelp. This could work great together with that bonemeal thing i've mentioned earlier. This can even detect bricks and cobble and turns it into their mossy equivalent. So we can make more fun builds. If these are 'really rare' and require a high level of farming or herbalism, this could be a highly seeked item on a server.
Farmers items - When we harvest wheat we could get mcMMO named wheats, we could have it be Oat or Carved Pumpkin, or a sweet potato. Allowing us vanilla items, as well as mcMMO farmers items. Adding fun things to the server that could run a command. Such as
cmi heal
orcmi feed
, or give a kit, or pay money when you consume it. Give some exp, or whatever command we link to it.Herbalism command revamp - Have /herbalism be more of an index of what is possible to do with the command/feature. This would provoke players to actually learn what it is about, what can be done with it, and scroll to help pages. There are now clickable events, this could be used for provoking pagination. Instead of a blob of stats, it could simply show your choices, for example in the most plain form in this example:
Learn about all the features and perks -> help
You're level: 123 -> what's unlocked?
All stats
View all your skills: /mcstats [ page: 1 - page 2 >>next>> ]
Farmers Barn upgrade - The ability if you're near your farm and your barn that if you've unlocked the farmers perk or skil level, that friendly mobs of certain types (rabbit for carrot) could spawn nearby, even if it's rare. This could help depleted areas to be come more 'friendly' again.
Farmer skill, separate from Herbalism. So we can do /farming, and level up for breeding, walking with animals on leads, and have perks like longer lead times, or lead breaking being a thing of the past, and bunch of the things we've mentioned above to be part of farming skill and works as a child skill to herbalism for example. Rewarding us for riding pigs and strider, with auto repair on the stick with carrot etc. Or other benefits that seem so logical to have that a farmer skill could introduce.
Woodcutter Rewards - skill of farming + herbalism could result in a complimentary woodcutting skill. They're all somewhat related, let skill work together. Kind of how salvage and repair and fishing and smelting can all work together.
AFK detection for farming, if they're not there, or actions are repetitive; have the ability to block this. "You've farmed in this area too much, the ground is getting polluted, your crops are becoming unhealthy, try farming at a different spot for a while" This would really help.
Herbalism perk: Farmers' hat: When you have mcMMO enchantment of farmer I or II on your helmet that's leather so it's a farmer's hat, you have the option of increased Luck of what might drop from harvesting and breeding animals etc. As well as killing mobs or whatever dropping a treasure with a higher luck chance. There could be a cooldown on this or maybe it only works when you are using your super-ability for those x seconds it's active.
Repeat the above for Farmer's Overall, the chestplate and pants combo.
Repeat the above for Farmer's Boots, could be combined with the no trampling perk.
I hope these ideas, requests, suggestions will make it into a revamped herbalism skill, or a new farmers skill. Either one by one, or as a nice big update.
This is just an example of what we're thinking about of 'what can we do with mcMMO', and I hope that there are developers out there that want to make these add-ons to mcMMO or even better: code contributions to the existing code base so nossr can focus on further developing the core product.
We're looking for default features, a modern overhaul of mcMMO tis is one skill, maybe a new farmers skill, but we have a dozen skills, and we can think of so much for each. Use this as inspiration to apply such creative thinking to help make this plugin a modern solution we can continue to enjoy.