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The RPG Lover's Mod!
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McMMO not working with Land Claim Plugin #4905

Closed walkendeath closed 1 year ago

walkendeath commented 1 year ago


I set up a server with several plugins and it worked fine till i added XClaim. If this is on the server Mc just cant start. The Log looks like this:

org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Cannot execute command 'mcrank' in plugin mcMMO v2.1.220 - plugin is disabled. at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?] at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher.execute( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:?] at net.minecraft.commands.Commands.performCommand( ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.commands.Commands.performCommand( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at$handleChatCommand$20( ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.lambda$submitAsync$0( ~[?:?] at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:?] at ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.doRunTask( ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doRunTask( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.pollTask( ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTaskInternal( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTask( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.managedBlock( ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.waitUntilNextTick( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at ~[?:?]

I have no clue what to do. Maybe you guys can help me.

Warriorrrr commented 1 year ago

Provide your full server startup log, that stacktrace alone is not enough info

walkendeath commented 1 year ago


`[18:51:11] [ServerMain/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD' [18:51:12] [ServerMain/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.20.1 [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-19 (MC: 1.20.1) (Implementing API version 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 837cc25) [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [18:51:13] [Server thread/WARN]: [!] The timings profiler has been enabled but has been scheduled for removal from Paper in the future. We recommend installing the spark profiler as a replacement: For more information please visit: [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 28 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 28 threads [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity. [18:51:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Paper: Using OpenSSL 1.1.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity. [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [DeathChest] Loading 1 libraries... please wait [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [SpigotLibraryLoader] [DeathChest] Loaded library /mnt/minecraftbukkit/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-text/1.9/commons-text-1.9.jar [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [Minepacks] PCGF-PluginLib not installed. Switching to standalone mode! [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading server plugin LuckPerms v5.4.88 [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading server plugin Vault v1.7.3-b131 [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading server plugin Essentials v2.20.0 [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [Core] Loading server plugin Core v0.5.9 [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [Core] Checking update for Core v0.5.9 [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [LevelledMobs] Loading server plugin LevelledMobs v3.10.3 b763 [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Loading server plugin XClaim v1.10.5 [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Loading server plugin mcMMO v2.1.220 [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeathChest] Loading server plugin DeathChest v1.5.24 [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [Bank] Loading server plugin Bank v4.6.3-RELEASE [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [Core] Checking update for Bank v4.6.3-RELEASE [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [Core] Attempting to load default ItemUtils [18:51:14] [Server thread/INFO]: [Core] Loaded default, enjoy :) [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [Bank] Block loaded [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [Bank] Sign loaded [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [Bank] Headdb loaded [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [Bank] Bank loaded [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [Minepacks] Loading server plugin Minepacks v2.4.20.4 [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [BackpackPlus] Loading server plugin BackpackPlus v0.0.4 [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [Sleeper] Loading server plugin Sleeper v1.4.4 [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [MobMoney] Loading server plugin MobMoney v4.0.0 [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Loading server plugin EssentialsProtect v2.19.7 [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [EzChestShop] Loading server plugin EzChestShop v1.5.9 [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Enabling LuckPerms v5.4.88

[18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: | |__) LuckPerms v5.4.88 [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: |___ | Running on Bukkit - Paper [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading configuration... [18:51:15] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading storage provider... [H2] [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading internal permission managers... [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Performing initial data load... [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Successfully enabled. (took 1182ms) [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.7.3-b131 [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system. [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.7.3-b131 [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [LuckPerms] Registered Vault permission & chat hook. [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Core] Enabling Core v0.5.9 [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world" [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 150 ms [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_nether [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 16 ms [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_end [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 12 ms [18:51:16] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.20.0 [18:51:17] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Essentials] You are running an unsupported server version! [18:51:17] [Server thread/WARN]: [Essentials] Version mismatch! Please update EssentialsProtect to the same version. [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Attempting to convert old kits in config.yml to new kits.yml [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] No kits found to migrate. [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loaded 38132 items from items.json. [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using locale en [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] ServerListPingEvent: Spigot iterator API [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Economy] Essentials Economy hooked. [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using Vault based permissions (LuckPerms) [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [LevelledMobs] Enabling LevelledMobs v3.10.3 b763 [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Using NMS version v1_20_R1 for nametag support [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: File Loader: Loading files... [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: File Loader: Loading file 'rules.yml'... [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: File Loader: Loading file 'settings.yml'... [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: File Loader: Loading file 'messages.yml'... [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Listeners: Registering event listeners... [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Commands: Registering commands... [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Running misc procedures [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Tasks: Starting async nametag auto update task... [18:51:17] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: File Loader: Loading file 'customdrops.yml'... [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: LevelledMobs: Start-up complete (took 296ms) [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Enabling XClaim v1.10.5 [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Locating JAR file [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Checking for Dynmap [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Loading trusted players [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Loading claims [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Unpacking claims [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Initializing chunk editor [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Loading command manager [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Registering default commands [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [org.reflections.Reflections] Reflections took 62 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 6 keys and 26 values [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Starting movement routine [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Refreshing grace routine [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Done [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Enabling mcMMO v2.1.220 [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: config.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: config.yml to defaults/config.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: config.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: config.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [Debug] No errors found in config.yml! [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Loading locale from plugins/mcMMO/locales/ [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: advanced.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: advanced.yml to defaults/advanced.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: advanced.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: advanced.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [Debug] No errors found in advanced.yml! [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Platform String: 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Minecraft version determined to be - 1.20.1 [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Loading compatibility layers... [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Finished loading compatibility layers. [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: persistent_data.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: persistent_data.yml to defaults/persistent_data.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: persistent_data.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: persistent_data.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [Debug] No errors found in persistent_data.yml! [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: upgrades_overhaul.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: upgrades_overhaul.yml to defaults/upgrades_overhaul.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: upgrades_overhaul.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: upgrades_overhaul.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: treasures.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: treasures.yml to defaults/treasures.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: treasures.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: treasures.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: fishing_treasures.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: fishing_treasures.yml to defaults/fishing_treasures.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: fishing_treasures.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: fishing_treasures.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Registering enchantments for Fishing Book... [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Loading mcMMO potions.yml File... [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: coreskills.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: coreskills.yml to defaults/coreskills.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: coreskills.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: coreskills.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: sounds.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: sounds.yml to defaults/sounds.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: sounds.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: sounds.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: skillranks.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: skillranks.yml to defaults/skillranks.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: skillranks.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: skillranks.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: child.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: child.yml to defaults/child.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: child.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: child.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: repair.vanilla.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: repair.vanilla.yml to defaults/repair.vanilla.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: repair.vanilla.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: repair.vanilla.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: salvage.vanilla.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: salvage.vanilla.yml to defaults/salvage.vanilla.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: salvage.vanilla.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: salvage.vanilla.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] (plugins/mcMMO/flatfile/mcmmo.users) Validating database file.. [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Enabling Acrobatics Skills [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Registered subskill: Roll [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: experience.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: experience.yml to defaults/experience.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: experience.yml [18:51:18] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: experience.yml [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] 0 entries in mcMMO World Blacklist [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Initializing config: chat.yml [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Copying default config to disk: chat.yml to defaults/chat.yml [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Loading config from disk: chat.yml [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] [config] Config initialized: chat.yml [18:51:19] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling mcMMO v2.1.220 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'io.papermc.paper.threadedregions.scheduler.AsyncScheduler org.bukkit.Bukkit.getAsyncScheduler()' at ~[mcMMO.jar:?] at ~[mcMMO.jar:?] at ~[mcMMO.jar:?] at ~[mcMMO.jar:?] at ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?] at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginInstanceManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.20.1.jar:git-Paper-19] at ~[?:?] [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Disabling mcMMO v2.1.220 [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Server shutdown has been executed, saving and cleaning up data... [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeathChest] Enabling DeathChest v1.5.24 [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeathChest] 0 death chests loaded. [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [Bank] Enabling Bank v4.6.3-RELEASE [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [Bank] Bank Enabled [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [Minepacks] Enabling Minepacks v2.4.20.4 [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [Minepacks] Starting Minepacks in standalone mode! [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [Minepacks] Config file successfully loaded. [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [Minepacks] Language file successfully loaded. Language: english Author: GeorgH93 [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [] Minepacks-Connection-Pool - Starting... [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [] Minepacks-Connection-Pool - Start completed. [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [Minepacks] Minepacks has been enabled! :) [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [BackpackPlus] Enabling BackpackPlus v0.0.4 [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [BackpackPlus] Successfully connected to the database [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [Sleeper] Enabling Sleeper v1.4.4 [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [Sleeper] Sleeper Version 1.4.4 Has Been Enabled! [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [MobMoney] Enabling MobMoney v4.0.0 [18:51:19] [Server thread/WARN]: [MobMoney] Could not save strikeSystem.sample.yml to plugins/MobMoney/strikeSystem.sample.yml because strikeSystem.sample.yml already exists. [18:51:19] [Server thread/WARN]: [MobMoney] Could not save English.yml to plugins/MobMoney/language/English.yml because English.yml already exists. [18:51:19] [Server thread/WARN]: [MobMoney] Could not save Spanish.yml to plugins/MobMoney/language/Spanish.yml because Spanish.yml already exists. [18:51:19] [Server thread/WARN]: [MobMoney] Could not save Dutch.yml to plugins/MobMoney/language/Dutch.yml because Dutch.yml already exists. [18:51:19] [Server thread/WARN]: [MobMoney] Could not save Chinese.yml to plugins/MobMoney/language/Chinese.yml because Chinese.yml already exists. [18:51:19] [Server thread/WARN]: [MobMoney] Could not save Catalan.yml to plugins/MobMoney/language/Catalan.yml because Catalan.yml already exists. [18:51:19] [Server thread/WARN]: [MobMoney] Could not save Valencian.yml to plugins/MobMoney/language/Valencian.yml because Valencian.yml already exists. [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.19.7 [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Continuing to enable Protect. [18:51:19] [Server thread/WARN]: [EssentialsProtect] Version mismatch! Please update all Essentials jars to the same version. [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config. [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [EzChestShop] Enabling EzChestShop v1.5.9 [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [EzChestShop] Enabling EzChestShop - version 1.5.9 [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [EzChestShop] Initializing SQLite database... [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [EzChestShop] SQLite database initialized! [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [EzChestShop] Current Protocol version initialized. [18:51:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [EzChestShop] Locale_EN successfully loaded [18:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting GS4 status listener [18:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Thread Query Listener started [18:51:20] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Query running on [18:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Running delayed init tasks [18:51:20] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 3 - Essentials/INFO]: [Essentials] Fetching version information... [18:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Essentials found a compatible payment resolution method: Vault Compatibility Layer (v1.7.3-b131)! [18:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Saving claims [18:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: [XC] Created new claims.yml

[18:51:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Timings Reset [18:51:20] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 6 - Vault/INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates ... [18:51:20] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 5 - BackpackPlus/INFO]: [BackpackPlus] §cPlugin has an update. (§6Beta§c) [18:51:20] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 6 - Vault/INFO]: [Vault] No new version available [18:51:25] [User Authenticator #0/INFO]: UUID of player Walkendeath is 1186b7a4-9f50-46ac-ac99-2eb5d4c7113b [18:51:28] [Bank - Loader Thread/INFO]: [Bank] Loading 1186b7a4-9f50-46ac-ac99-2eb5d4c7113b [18:51:28] [Bank - Loader Thread/INFO]: [Bank] Loaded 1186b7a4-9f50-46ac-ac99-2eb5d4c7113b after 20ms [18:51:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Walkendeath[/] logged in with entity id 230 at ([world]-154.84188771301248, 77.0, -71.47639497130893) [18:51:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Willkomen zurück, Walkendeath [18:51:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Walkendeath issued server command: /plugins [18:51:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Walkendeath lost connection: Disconnected [18:51:39] [Bank - Loader Thread/INFO]: [Bank] Saving 1186b7a4-9f50-46ac-ac99-2eb5d4c7113b [18:51:39] [Bank - Loader Thread/INFO]: [Bank] Saved 1186b7a4-9f50-46ac-ac99-2eb5d4c7113b after 6ms [18:51:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Walkendeath left the game

Warriorrrr commented 1 year ago

This is an issue caused by ACF, the command library that mcmmo uses, it's trying to use a folia compatible scheduler on a paper server. You can update paper to the latest build (since that includes folia's scheduling api now) to fix it, but ideally it should still work on lower versions

nossr50 commented 1 year ago

This is an issue caused by ACF, the command library that mcmmo uses, it's trying to use a folia compatible scheduler on a paper server. You can update paper to the latest build (since that includes folia's scheduling api now) to fix it, but ideally it should still work on lower versions

I think we only have a few commands using ACF (2 or 3), I should probably just remove ACF if there's no workaround

walkendeath commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late response, i just updated paper. But unfortunately it is still not working. Anything else i could do?

walkendeath commented 1 year ago

It is working. Thank you :)